Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
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Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2012 20:43:48 +0100 (CET)
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Dear ,

Many apologies that I had to send you this email without a prior
relationship between us; my name is Mr. Jos Nijhuis, A member of the
supervisory board of the SNS Bank Netherlands and a Former member Board of
ING Bank Netherlands and also the former Chairman Board of Post Bank

I have however contacted you with the hope of presenting you as a
beneficiary (next of kin) to our late client in one of the Branches of the
Bank in the Netherlands, whose Bonded Depository Account with the Bank in
the Netherlands worth Fourteen Million Seven Hundred Thousand Euros has
remain unclaimed. I figured out that since you share a common name with
him, I decided to Contact you with this privileged information regarding
his account; this is as a result of the fact that the late client has
nobody left to claim this fund.

If such an account is not claimed or renewed to commence another tenure of
7years, a 6months period of grace is granted to the account holder or his
designated beneficiary, a probate order of Mandamus is then issued to
provide such a beneficiary whereby failure to do so at the end of its
expiration the funds will be quarantined and shared amongst the Directors
of the Bank at the end of the fiscal year.

I bore in mind your personality and reputation of which the same apply to
me, on this light I then deemed it fit to assure you that the Funds will
be cleared in accordance with the firm's operational procedures to ensure
the transaction success without a breach of the law.

One thing is certain with the relevant legal documents that I will get to
back you up, the funds release will be approved for onward release to you.
If this is okay with you then get back to me so that I will provide you
more details. Let it be known to you that this 14,700,000.00 Euros will be
sharing equally that is 50% respectively.

I will want you to get back to me as soon as possible if you are willing
to assist in getting these funds, or you can give me a call on my London
line below which I acquired mainly for this purpose as I am presently
based in the UK.
call me: +(44)792-456-6779
Mr. Jos Nijhuis

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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