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Biodun Abiola,
Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation
E-mail: [email protected]
Abuja , 10/03/2012.
Dear Sir,
I am Biodun Abiola, the project director in Nigerian Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).
I got your contact from your country's online directory.
Recently in my country, the government removed the subsidy on petroleum products but prior to this action of the government, we imported finished products from Europe which ran into millions of barrels and that generated account surplus to the tune of US$15,340,000 ( Fifteen million, three hundred and forty thousand united states dollars). This amount will not be accounted for and my colleagues and I have decided to transfer it to a foreign collaborator for the benefit of we all. That is why I contacted you.
Please, be our foreign partner and assist us to transfer the fund into your bank account for our mutual benefits. For your participation, you will be entitled to US$2,000,000 ( Two million united states dollars ).
If you accept to rock this deal with us , do send your private mobile phone number, and your banking information to enable us commence.
Thank you for your anticipated acceptance to this proposal.
Yours truly',
Biodun Abiola.

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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