Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Gateway Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:59 pm
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I am Dr Linus Williams a bank manager here in Ghana, I am writing to request your assistance to transfer the sum of $US15,000000, million, (USD) United States dollars) into your accounts,The total amount is fifteen million thousand dollars.

The above sum belongs to our customer late Dr.Jimmy Malila who died along with his entire family in the Benin plane crash 2003 and since then the fund has been in a suspense account.

After my further investigation I find out that Dr Jimmy Malila died with his next of kin and according to the laws and constitution guiding the bank institution stated that after the expiration of (7 and 1/2) seven and half year, if no body or person comes for the claim as the next of kin, the fund will be channel into national treasury as unclaimed fund Because of the static of this transaction I want you to present you as his foreign business partner so that our bank will accord you the recognition and have the fund transfer to your account.

The total sum will be shared as follows:100% for me,80% for you and expenses incidental occur during the transfer will be insure by both of us. The transfer is risk free on both sides hence you are going to follow my instruction till the fund transfer to your account.More details information with the text of application form will be forwarded to you to breakdown explaining comprehensively what require of you.

1. Your Full Name............................
2. Your Sex.................................
3. Your Age.................................
4. Your Country..............................
5. Passport / driving license.......
6. Marital Status......................
7. Your Occupation..........................
8.Your Personal Mobile Number....................
9. Your Personal Fax Number......................


Linus Williams

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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