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Subject: Business proposal(citibank)
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May the peace of the Lord be with you, Iknow that this letter will come to you as a surprise.
I am very sorry for any inconvenience this letter maycause you, I am doing this because of the circumstances around me at this time. I am Mr. Bruce Moore, I work with CITIBANK in U.S.A.

I was mandate by the management to look for the next of kin of late Kuttiappan Mohan Sundaram from India, who died in aviation-related incidents.

To cut the story shot, I need you to stand as the next of kin,I can produce the document that cover the fund..all I need from you immediately is a scan copy of your international passport, full address of home or office, and your full legal name…all this will be use for affidavit of fact and affidavit of claim by a lawyer . so nothing to worry about, I am in control okay.

The share ratio is 70-30 percent, you have 30 percent of the total fund.

Waiting for your response…..

Bruce Moore.

E mail: [email protected]

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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