Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Gateway Mon Mar 12, 2012 5:05 pm
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Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 17:12:54 +0000 (GMT)
From: alpha holding <[email protected]>
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Subject: From Miss Yasmin Abdulrahman
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Permit me to inform you my heart desire for a business relationship with you. I got your contact when I was searching for a foreign partner here in Benin Republic on my search for honest and reliable person. I prayed over it and decided to confide in you because your integrity and educational background. I am Miss Yasmin Abdulrahman ,( 24 years old ),the only Child of late Mr and Mrs Kazeem Abdulrahman.

I do not know you neither we seen nor met before but as a true Believer I know that God is at my side.

My father was a very wealthy Cocoa dealer in Freetown, the economic capital of Sierra Leone.My father died of cancer some month at a private hosipal in free town but before his sudden death he called me at his sick bed and made it known to me about his fortune and some other landed properties and also made it clear to me about the funds he deposited with a security and finance company $5.5 Million Dollar in Benin Republic

Shortly after his death all other members of his family rose up to claim the fortune my late father left for me, subsuquently this generated a lot of hatred among them that they started fighting and killing each other over my father fortune this made me to fleed sierra leone to Benin republic to claim the remaining fortune as the only next of kin to the deposited funds which my father used in depositing the funds with the security nd finance company because they are not aware of it.

All am seeking from you now is to assist me claim this funds out of the security and finance company where my later father deposited it and get it invested in a very lucrative business in your country of origin, am having every documents to back up this claim from the security company all i needed from you is honesty, trust and fidelity. I will compensate you with 15% of the total the total sum and at the same time you will be my partner in what ever we invest the funds into.

I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible so that i can tell you the next line of action.

Sincerely Yours.

Miss Yasmin Abdulrahman

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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