Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Gateway Tue Mar 13, 2012 3:58 am
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Subject: Claim The Consignment
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Dear Friend,

I am Mr Harold Dickoson,I am the Despatch Director to Fidelity Security Company
here in London.I want to inform you that eaving a next of kin reach relatives and
friends which all effort went unsuccessful. Due to my position have asked the
diplomat to stay behind that have finally gotten a relative to Late Mr Edinilson
Lopes which i want you to represent and claim the consignment.The content of the
consignment is stated as family treasure containing Gold and Diamond for security
reason. The content of the consignment is know to you alone for security
reason,The consignment have been cleared by the custom of your country ,All what
is needed is to pay the clearing fee and which immediatelly consignment will be
deliver to you by the diplomat. I will want you to send me the below information:
Your Full Name: Home Contact Address: Telephone No: Occupation: Age: This will
enable me to forward this information to the diplomat so that he can deliver the
consignment to you,I will request you to send me a copy of your International
Passpport or Driver License to enable me know you much better. I got your email
address through a business directory which i decide to contact you,I am willing we
both share the amount 50%/50%. I have to do this,because the consignment will be
return back to us and will be forwarded to the British Government,I am making used
of this opportunity in life as it does comes easily,I intend to resign immediately
the conclusion of this business.I will come over to your country to have my share
of my funds.
Await your urgent response.
Mr Harold Dickson
Despatch Director
4 Linox Street Essex,HK.London

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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