Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by buried under 419s Fri Mar 16, 2012 6:29 am
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Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 12:07:24 +0200
From: "Mrs. Mary Parker" <[email protected]>
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Dear Beloved.

I am Mrs. Mary Parker an aging widow suffering from long time illness. I have
some funds I inherited from my late husband, the sum of 7.5 Million
Pounds and I
needed a very honest and God fearing Christian that will use the fund
for God's
work, I found your email i decided to contact you. Please if you would be able
to use the funds for the Lord's work, kindly reply: [email protected]

Yours in the Lord,
Mrs. Mary Parker.

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Questions about scams? fraudatiocruor @ gmail.com to contact remove spaces

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