Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Gateway Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:50 am
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Dear sir/madam,

To whom it may concern, I kindly want to put in notice before you,
my name is Mr.Frank DaVis Onojo,A citizen of Ghana in Africa
I am presently,in India,seeking refuge here,
Because of current problem in my country Ghana,that is the reason why,I
am seeking for a reliable and trust worthy fellow in your country,to
assist me of my late father money,which I transferred from the HSBC Bank
of England to the RESERVE BANK OF INDIA,by draft for an investment purpose
and buying a big house,where I and my family,wil be residing in
India.The said amount is five million,Two Hundred Thousand U.S Dollars
I have done a reasonable research and I find out that,it is not easy
for A foreigner to have A local account for such a huge amount, so I want
you to assist me.by transfering this Fund into your nominated bank
(10%) will be offer to you for the work well done.5% for any expenses
that may arise during the process of the transfer of money to your
norminated Bank account in india.
Please, if you are interested, do contact me as soon as possible. For
proper verification,here is my contact......

[email protected]

Mr.Frank Davis Onoja
Telephone: +919769918937

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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