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by Gateway Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:52 am
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Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 00:10:08 -0000
Subject: My Kind Regards
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This is Chief Faridax Waziri writing you once again.

My Dear Friend,

With great gratitude to your efforts, I am informing you that , I have
finally succeeded in transferring those fund to the bank in Italy, with
the assistance of a Paraguayan friend,whom based on agreement received 25%
of the entire money for his financial involvement and efforts.

Presently I am in South Korea, to establish the electronic company project
with my own share as I have earlier proposed.

Nevertheless, I cannot forget you, especially your honest efforts, though
it did not yield positive result then, but I still appreciate it. Thank
you very much, meanwhile I have a surprise package for you.

Contact Barr. Ebenezer Sekyi-Hughes on this e-mail address:
[email protected] he is my lawyer. I have instructed him before
I left to South Korea to send to you the sum of (One Million, Two Hundred
and Fifty Thousand United States Dollars Only) US$1,250.000.00 for your

Please, I want you to accept it in good faith, I really appreciate all you
did and I pray that we would meet someday, so feel free and get in touch
with him.

I remain your bosom friend,

My Kind Regards

Chief Faridax Waziri.

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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