Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
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Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2012 19:14:22 +0100 (CET)
Subject: Thank you for accommodating My Request
From: "Mohamed Alshaikh Bahrainian" <[email protected]>
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Dear Sir,

My name is Mohamed Alshaikh Bahrainian Citizen based in Libya as business
associate and personal Assistant to Mr. Saif Al-Islam who was arrested
20th November 2011 with two of his Aids while trying to flee to Niger
Republic by the National Transition Government who over throw the late
Colonel Gadaffi Government after the 9 months war.
Before his arrest, we have been able to move the sum of 40Million Euros
and the sum of $240Million through Niger Republic to neighboring country
Republic of Ghana where it was lodged in Escrow account.

If you can follow the news of regarding to the Libya Government official
who smuggled the sum of 980Million Euros to Niger, $660Million and One
truck of Loaded Gold and Diamond to Niger Republic where they want to seek
Asylum with Gaddaffi, If you are following the news you can see that
everybody is taking this opportunity to get something before the
Government of Gaddaffi assets are recovered by the Nato and NTC. So you
must keep everything to yourself secret and highly confidential.

I will give the details after upon your response to corporate with me;
follow my instructions by keeping this highly secret and confidential.
Please we cannot afford any more problems because of recent events in
Libya. So I will advice you keep this absolutely confidential as me and my
family are currently in Bani Walid-Libya in remote area for our safety in
the hand of the enemies that knows am close associate with Gadaffi family
and need your action urgent for us to get this concluded as my friend has
been arrested .

Finally, please note that this must be concluded within reasonable time
frame therefore your prompt reply is essential.

I will be glad to know more about you, Your full name, your current
Occupation, Your age, Married or not, your direct mobile and phone. You
are only advised to provide this information if you know you are ready and
capable to work and handle this project with me as I will like to relocate
to your country and invest.

Be rest assured that there is no single risk over this transaction as
everything is being perfected and currently am the only person that knows
where the fund and the gold are lodged, even the son of Gadaffi Saif does
not know the current position of the fund and the gold, so be rest assured
you are free to work with me and no problem and risk involved but we need
to work it out quick. You can watch press TVA or Aljazeera TV for more
information for you to understand and comprehend me properly.

Please go through this important message to comprehend everything about
this transaction. I want you to understand that I called you to
participate in this business because of trust I have in you and if you
accept with your full mind to participate, you must be ready to adhere to
my advices and my guidelines for us to achieve this transaction. All the
legal transfer document will be done accordingly..

Before we proceed and sending you the procedure to actualize the transfer,
I have one question:


Can you travel to Republic of Ghana for this purpose because I will like
you to be there to enable you see everything with your eyes and face the
fact about the project.
The funds are total $240Million and 40Million Euros inside the account and
can be transferred with your instruction on your obtaining the needed
documents that will be required from you in order to activate the transfer
of the funds into your account as you wishes.

You know the situation here at the moment is critical, no food, no water,
no electricity, no money at hand and no medication.
Respond to me if you know you are ready to work with me, you are capable
to handle the fund and ready to assist and open the nonresident offshore
account with the bank as required before commencing the transfer.

As soon as I hear from you, I shall give you the necessary directives.


Mohamed Alshaikh Bahrainian

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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