Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Gateway Mon Mar 19, 2012 1:14 pm
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Dear Sir/Madam,


I must say sorry for interfering into your privacy without seeking for permission. It's because of urgency of this matter. I'm Mr. Sami Walter, Director in charge of audit and account unit department, of Saudi Asia Finance here in Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia. I have decided to contact you for a mutual beneficial transaction with 100% Risk Free.

In April 2006, Mr. Lu Yunpeng, a multimillionaire and president of Henan-based Yunpeng Cultural Development Co Ltd China moved some cash from Europe to our Finance Firm. The fund arrived during the time Mr. Lu Yunpeng was been tried for murder in China . As his account officer he instructed that I should put a hold on the fund that was supposed to go to China pending on the outcome of his trial.

In May 2006, he was sentenced to death and the fund remained unclaimed till
date. As his account officer, I was aware that nobody knows about this fund
movement except his cousin who was also sentenced to death with him.

Please, you can view the news on this website:
http://en.ce.cn/National/Local/200605/1 ... 5764.shtml

I want to utilize this opportunity and make use of this fund by
transferring the money to you. I want to work with you on it. The amount
involved is Eleven Million Five Million United States Dollars Only. {US$11,500,000.00} .

Please reply back and lets benefit from this golden opportunity. You are
my first contact. I shall wait for days and if I do not hear from you, I shall look for another person.

These are my private contacts:
Tel: 60102836371.
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail:[email protected]
E-mail:[email protected]

Mr. Sami Walter.

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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