Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Wed Mar 21, 2012 2:32 am
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Reply-To: <[email protected]>
From: "ECO Bank Plc ATM Centre"<[email protected]>
Subject: Attn: Your ATM (Master Card) is Ready for Delivery
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o me
FROM THE DESK OF Mrs, Alessandra Hank.
Eco Bank PLC
Our Ref: ECBP./B01/Vol 01.

Attn: ATM Master Card Owner,

This is to bring to your notice that order has been given by the Presidency and the entire house of senate for the year 2012 that my bank has been chosen to pay out all foreigner inheritance / contract and Internet Scam Victims funds .We are here by notifying you that Eco Bank Plc have been mandated to issue out your payment of $2,500,000.00usd through ATM Master Card, you have to stop further communication with any other person(s) or office(s) or ministry to avoid hitches in receiving your ATM Master Card payment.

Eco Bank Plc management have confirmed automation of your swift payment through an electronic ATM Master Card payment, The bank have arranged your payment through swift card payment center this card center will send you an ATM Master Card which you will use to withdraw your money in any ATM machine in any part of the world, The maximum daily withdrawal is $5,000usd per day, A total of $5,000usd at a time, Now you are to take care of your fund by contacting the ATM Master Card Issuance Department today, This is a special arrangement in collaboration with master card company world over.

For immediate mailing of the ATM Master Card to your address. Contact Dr, Hoey Harts on this information below:

Dr, Hoey Harts
Foreign Payment Department
Eco Bank Plc Republic of Nigeria
Email ID :( [email protected] )
Tel-Phone: +234-815-622-4667

Kindly contact the above person who is in position to release your ATM payment card to you. You are requested to forward to Dr, Hoey Harts:

Your full name: ---------
Your home address: ---------
Your country: ---------------
Your city: -------------------
Your occupation: --------------
Your age: ----------------------
Your contact telephone number: -----

Note that because of impostors, The board of Directors (Eco Bank Plc) hereby issued you our code of Transaction which is atm-0210xz, So you have to indicate this code when contacting Dr, Hoey Harts on the card center by using it as your subject, Kindly notify (ATM ISSUANCE DEPARTMENT) immediately to confirm the receipt of this massage from the
Eco bank Plc head office,

Yours Faithfully,
Mrs, Alessandra Hank,
Head of ATM Dept (Eco bank Plc),

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