Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Wed Mar 21, 2012 5:49 am
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My Name is Mrs. Wendy Norman a cancer patient, I have decided to donate what I have for the charity works orphanage homes widows and propagating the word of God and in reaching the less privileged in the society with this benevolence through you, Hence my inability to communicate with this project more effectively as I am on sick bed which I can not walk or do anything unless by the help of my doctors and nurses, please keep this matter to yourself because this is a vow I made to God and I will like it to be between you and me to avoid anything that will hinder my vow.

I am Donating the sum of ($5 Million US Dollars) that is my inheritance from my late husband who was a successful cocoa Business dealer. you may be wondering why I choose you but someone has to be chosen, I am 61 years old and was diagnosed cancer of the lungs about 2 years ago Immediately after the death of my husband who had left everything he worked for on my care because we don’t have any child that will lay claims on this fund. so if you are willing to assist me for this charity project let me know:

Mrs. Wendy Norman

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