Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:42 pm
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Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 12:12:17 -0700 (PDT)
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Greetings to you my dear beloved one.

First of all, I want to assure you that you are not going to invest a cent of your money to receive this fund for the charity purpose, as it's my reason of contacting you in the first place.

Your first reaction to this mail will be total rejection, scare and may be unbelief, owing largely to the atrocities people committed these days in quest for easy wealth. This email comes from a devastated, sorrowful and emotional laden soul that needs compassion from a kind and conscience driven person, who can wipe away my tears against all odds, perhaps when I am gone beyond this sinful world.

I married to late Dr. Kenneth Bennett, who left me with unimaginable pain to eternity after a brief illness. I have been entrusted with the sum $10.8 Million, the accrued savings and life insurance gratuity of my late husband in the custody of a Finance Company in United States of America.

I have been diagnosed of a complex case of ovarian cancer that has spread into my pelvic cavity,consequently,is due for surgery as the only ‘cure'. According to experts, a ‘cure’ that allows me to breath for few days. Obviously, according to my doctor, my days are numbered! I may die any moment from the above sickness.

I took this decision because I want you to recover the money for your prudent care, management and safekeeping. Use it to secure traveling papers for my daughter Jennifer who is presently in one of the West African country and train her as your adopted child. Since my illness is terminal and the fact that relatives and friends have plundered so much of my wealth I cannot live with the agony of entrusting this huge responsibility to any of them because my daughter is like my mirror now.

In view of the complexity of my illness, my best legacy for my daughter will be to have her grown into adulthood under the supervision of someone whose mind is driven by conscience.

I place no conditions on your management of my funds except taking good care of my daughter until she attains age of reasoning. I am not afraid of death hence I know where I am going but seriously worried about the safety and future survival of my dearest daughter. I will appreciate it the more if you give me your reply no matter your state of mind, negatively or positively I will be honored to receive your response.

Please oblige me your assistance in this humble assignment before I give up the ghost.

Remain abundantly blessed,

Yours truly,
Mrs. Margaret Bennett.

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