Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:26 pm
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I am an Agric science teacher with University of Cocody and I work as a part time consultant with an international marketing firm here in Abidjan.

Three weeks ago,I went to a seminar at Cape Town South Africa, where I hoped to present a paper on DOGS OUR GUARDS, PETS AND FRIENDS way forward for healthy relationship.I was invited by Rotaract International as they were the organisers of this great occassion and sponsored by The President of the South Africa,through the Ministry of Agriculture.

In attendance were the greatest and biggest names in Africa with respect to Agriculture. Fortunately,I was able to meet with one of the greatest business Moguls of all time.We are talking about ALHAJI MABOLO DONGO.The president of Ivoire Group of Farms.The owner of the biggest cattle farm in West Africa and The Biggest fish farmer.This is the man they call the foodbasket of Africa. His cocoa and palm tree plantations are the biggest and his vegetable oil plants are located in the 16 West African countries.

Now my former boss supplies this Business magnet an essential vaccine at the price of US4,900. per carton, and sometimes we supply up to 2000 or 3000 cartons.

Briefly,I am contacting you because my former boss traveled to china and he will be there for two months.Presently,I intercepted a letter from the Ivoire Group, requesting two thousand cartons supply of the vaccine.I have called back to the Ivoire Group and informed them that my boss traveled,he will not be back soon and since they need the vaccine urgently,that I will introduce them directly to the Manufacturers of the vaccine from where my boss buy.

The President of the Ivoire Group invited me to his Presence and I confirmed my word to him, and he promised me his confidence and to deal only with me if I can do this. HOWEVER I TOLD HIM THAT THE MANUFACTURERS RECEIVE 70% ADVANCE PAYMENT BEFORE THEY WILL SELL THE VACCINE.

I know where my boss buy this vaccine in Europe. The Price of the vaccine is US$2000. per carton. I will need you to contact Alhaji Mabolo Dongo and Inform him that you are the manufacturer of the vaccine and that you will sell to him at the price of US$4,400 per carton. You will inform him to make 70% advance payment as is the Procedure.He will not hesitate tosend the money immediately.

If your organization is interested to be my partners in this transaction, please contact me immediately so that we can discuss on how to execute this lucrative deal.

Thank you for considering this response,

Dr. James Peters.
GH&P Professioal Services C.I
Agricultural science University of Cocody.
ICC Buildilg
20D route de cocody

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