Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:33 pm
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Good Day my dear Please help.

I know this mail will come as surprise to you but in a brief introduction. My name is Miss Rosemary Jonah an Orphan from Ghana west Africa. I am 21 years old,i am the only daughter of my parents,and i have a younger brother who is here with me, my father was a highly reputable cocoa merchant base in Ghana and overseas but unfortunately he pass away on 10th March 2010 with a brief illness and also my mother die on heart fellow because of the death of my father,It is my pleasure communicating with you for the first time and believing that it will lead to a better relationship between us.

I have an inheritance that I would want to invest in your country.The amount is US$4 million Dollars which is in a trunk box which my father Deposited in one of the security and finance company here in Ghana,I want you to stand as my late father Foreign business partner in claiming the money from the security and finance company here. I am ready to part with 40% of the total sum to you if only you assist me to claim the money and also investing the money in any lucrative business in your country with me and my younger brother. I will give you more detail and forwarded all vital information as soon as I hear from you so that you will contact the security company on how the box will be claim and deliver it to your with your full address to enable you make a better plan for how me and my younger brother will be coming over to your country to establishment of our life over there,please for more details contact me Directly here Email:([email protected])

Please your urgent reply to me is highly anticipated.
Miss Rosemary Jonah

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