Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:44 pm
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Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2012 16:40:52 -0700 (PDT)
From: Rich Dada <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Subject: Dear Beneficiary, Call me for your payment of USD$25 Million
To: [redacted]
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Hello Dear Beneficiary,

To our funds beneficiary,


This email message serves as an official notice for the settlement of your debt with our government. After our successful democratic free and fair election on April 2011 and the successful inauguration of our new president in May 29th 2011, the new president GOODLUCK JONATHAN held a meeting with the united states of America Government president Obama, president of united states of America, British prime minister, in conjunction with the united nation (UN)President, given an outstanding instruction to the president federal republic of Nigeria GOODLUCK JONATHAN to pay off every foreign contractual debt payment to the respective beneficiaries who has duel executed their contract payment but not been paid of their contract payment.

Furthermore, president federal republic of Nigeria, mandated us to verify and settle all legitimate outstanding debts incurred during the past administration. We are happy to inform you that your debt payment information has been verified ok, and you are now qualified to receive your Fund from us on this ongoing debt settlement exercise for this year 2012.

You are advised to respond to this email message immediately, to enable us furnish you with the details of your funds payment schedule. Meanwhile, the only legal fee you are authorized to pay is $250 dollars which is for the processing of your contract payment files and documentation, and body who ask you to pay more than this shall be penalized in international court of justice. You are advise to forward your direct telephone and fax no where you would be reach, and you are to contact the director in charge for the payment.

However, your fund will be release to you as mandate given to us by the international bodies to execute all the foreign payment to the respective beneficiaries with a written agreement which president GOODLUCK JONATHAN signed with the international bodies that any contractor who fail to comply with his payment obligation shall total blame himself as the record of the contractors who complied with the transfer obligations and received their payment shall be copied to the international bodies for their perusal and accountability, and after that the president GOODLUCK JONATHAN will inform the international bodies that he has paid off all his country debt contract payment as it shall be in the record of the international bodies who mandated him, and any contractor who did not receive his payment before the record is copied or forwarded to the international bodies shall not receive it any more as it shall all also be announced in CNN,BBC and other international news peppers that Nigeria government
have successfully paid off all the contract payment debt his country are owing to the foreign contractors.

So get back to me immeditely you received the message.

Best regard
Mr Rich Dada
Director foreign Operaction
+23480 263 98640
+23480 263 98641

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