Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
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Donation for the GOD Works!!! From Mrs. MaryAlice Williams.
Abidjan, Ivory Coast (Cote D’Ivoire).

Dearest in Lord,

With due respect and humanity, I am contacting you under a humanitarian ground. I am Mrs. MaryAlice Williams; I was born in Kuwait City, in Kuwait, and was married to Dr. Johnson Williams, Director J.W Industries Ivory Coast (Cote D’Ivoire). We were married for 36 years with an only child who later died in a ghastly car accident. My husband died in 2006 after a Cardiac Arteries Operation. Recently, my Doctor told me that I have a precise time to live due to my stroke and cancer illness (cancer of the liver).

Before my husband died, there is this sum of Two Million, Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars (US$2.700.000) which he deposited with a Bank here in Ivory Coast (Cote D’Ivoire). Presently, this money is still in the Bank.

I want someone who will use this fund according to the desire of my late husband, that is; to help the less privileged, orphans, widows, victims of war, terrorist attacks, natural disaster and most of its all, propagating the word of God. Though I have a precise time to live, I am not afraid of death hence I know my reward before our Almighty. Please always remember me in your daily prayers for my upcoming cancer surgery.

Looking forward to hear from you soon and with this information follow.
1 your full name
2 your nationality
3 your full address
4 your age
5 your telephone number

God bless you,

Reply with copy to this email; [email protected]

Mrs. MaryAlice Williams.

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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