Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Tue Mar 27, 2012 5:53 am
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Subject: =?utf-8?B?QmVzdCByZWdhcmRzIQ==?From: "stephen mensah" <[email protected]>
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

Best regards!

My name is Mr Stephen Mensah . I am a manager in a financial institution. I got your contact from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and The Ministry of International Trade and Industry. I need your help to transfer US$12 Million dollars.

The money is part of the profits from our bank last year (2011). I have already submitted annual report for last year to my bank headquarters in Accra-Ghana, and they did not notice the excess profits. I deposited the US$12 Million dollars in an escrow account without a beneficiary (Anonymous) to avoid any trace.

I cannot be directly connected to this money because I still work with the bank. So, I need your help to transfer this money to your country for me and you to share. I offer you 45% of this money as my foreign partner and 55% would be for me. There is no risk involved because it will be a bank-to-bank transfer.

All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction through. Should you be interested and willing to help Kindly reply me at my email [email protected] complete your detail below:

1. Your full name:
2. Your occupation/position in office:
3. Your date of birth:
4. Marital status:
5. Nationality:
6. Your full contact addresses (Home/office):
7. Your International passport :
8. Your private telephone/fax:

I will be looking forward to receive the above details. All correspondence will be via email or telephone .


Mr Stephen Mensah
[email protected]

Follow Rediff Deal ho jaye! to get exciting offers in your city everyday.

by soldierfortune Tue Apr 03, 2012 3:27 pm
Contact on 4ppl with the uid "550".


Site: 4ppl
From: 550
Date: 16.03.2012
Subject: Best regards!

My name is Mr Stephen Mensah. I am a manager in a financial institution. I got your contact from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and The Ministry of International Trade and Industry. I need your help to transfer US$32 Million dollars.

The money is part of the profits from our bank last year (2011). I have already submitted annual report for last year to my bank headquarters in Accra-Ghana, and they did not notice the excess profits. I deposited the US$32 Million dollars in an escrow account without a beneficiary (Anonymous) to avoid any trace.

I cannot be directly connected to this money because I still work with the bank. So, I need your help to transfer this money to your country for me and you to share. I offer you 45% of this money as my foreign partner and 55% would be for me. There is no risk involved because it will be a bank-to-bank transfer.

All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction through. Should you be interested and willing to help Kindly complete your detail below:

1. Your full name:..........................
2. Your occupation/position in office:..........................
3. Your date of birth:........
4. Marital status:.............
5. Nationality:.............
6. Your full contact addresses (Home/office):
7. Your International passport :.............
8. Your private telephone/fax:...............

I will be looking forward to receive the above details. All correspondence will be via email:
[email protected] or telephone: +233248400998


Mr Stephen Mensah


ISP: Teledata ICT Ltd, Ghana
Received: from []
From: Mr Stephen Mensah <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2012 00:47:45 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Dear Mr. ”xxxxxxxx”

Dear Mr. ”xxxxxxxx”,

Thank you very much for your detailed email and your understanding of the underlining and possible difficulties that me arise in the course of this transaction. In response to your enquiries, the fund is deposited in a bank deposit electronic account but with an anonymous identification (i.e. it is deposited without a name in an escrow account with an escrow account policy endorsed at The Ministry of Justice strictly for onward transfer to the beneficiary’s nominated bank account which is the position I want you or your company to assume.

Therefore, I will need your information or your company information to replace the anonymous conditions and present you or your company to our bank head office central computer database as the real beneficiary and depositor of the said fund to enable them transfer the fund to your account under the bank-to-bank international fund transfer guidelines. I have taken time to explain in details how this claim will be executed and I hope it will help us forge ahead towards this claim. Please as you reply, let me have the following information to enable me draft the Application Letter of Claim and the scan copy of the deposit slip prepared in your name which you will fill correctly and send direct to the Foreign Remittance Department of the Bank for onward approval for the transfer of this fund into your Bank account.

The information is:

1. Your full name: ................................
2. Your occupation/position in office: ............
3. Your date of birth: .............................
4. Marital status: ..............................
5. Nationality: ...................................
6. Your full contact addresses (Home/office):......
7. First Face of I'tnal passport or number: .......
8. Your private telephone/fax: .....................

I only want you to provide the above information of yours as stated above to be programmed in the network computer database system in my branch as the original depositor and I will back you with the entire necessary document as the depositor of the money. Finally, I will give you an application letter you use to see the fund online to enable you know this transaction is legal and legitimate just trust me and believe in God. Feel free to call me immediately you received this message.

Mr Stephen Mensah

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