Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by GomerPyle Sat Aug 25, 2007 4:53 am
I received this from a person I warned about another scam. The use of a yahoo mail addie and by starting the mail "Top of the day to you" it has my scam radar beeping a warning, and what a Thailand foodstuff company would be doing handling computer equipment I cannot guess.

It's clearly a scam, but this is not a sort I have seen before. Is it just a more elaborate counterfeit cheque scam from this ?

I would want you to contact him as soon as possible with regards to the payments you would be expecting.

A bizarre twist to this is that although the warehouse mentioned is located in Spain, the person this was sent to is in the USA.

Comments please


"DANY AKIRA" <[email protected]

Dear Xxxx Xxxxx,

Top of the day to you.

Sorry for not hearing back from me, we went to Spain where we are inspecting A warehouse Location with the Company¡¦s Delegates and Attorney. I am back to our Laising Office in London and I will as well call you later today to let you know, that we shall be coming down to your Region as soon as a warehouse space is secure.

You can reach me with this number in UK +447011148816 so we can discuss on the offer further.

This email is to acknowledge receipt of your email, and also to applaud all you have done so far since joining us. Be informed that all your time and effort has been noted by us and we truely know that we would not let you down in any way at all.

with regards to securing a warehouse space and a secetary, we would want you to undertake the task. we would be needing a space that range between 8,500 - 10,000 square footage after a site has been seen{A warehouse space}we send down delegates and the company attorney for inspection.

The money for securing an office and a warehouse site has already been budgeted. As soon as you have been able to locate a site,the attorney and delegates of the company would come over to inspect it and prepare all paper works.Then after,the account department of the company would then issue out funds to you that will be suficient for you to procure the place.

Thereafter, Inventory of WAN THAI Office Equipments that contains Products and Office customized Equipments.) we be sent to you.

A. Equipments sub codes, 5600 (computer equipment and peripherals. Items that connect to a computer or are used with a computer) Binding Machines Checkbook Folders
IBM Computer #GSFP 48-307-582
Desk - (3) steel 30" x 58" Clip Files
Envelopes- 10 cartons Photocopier Paper -16 Cartons
Letter Pads x 12 Fax Machines #GSFP 48-307-583
Magazine Holders Calculator - x 3

Note. your duty for the company are listed below:
1. Helping the company contact customers that have already notified the company that they are willing and wanting to make out payments.

2 Setting up an office for the company. Note that the expenses would be taken care of by the company.

3.Lastly,selling our products to customers that are ready and willing to buy them.

The customers will only purchase products when an office has been set up and products shipped to you.They would come down to you to make purchase of this products.

We still deemed it fit to send you a mail to bring to your notice about your first assignment for the company since you accepted the offer of been our Distributor Officer.

On the verge of moving forward in extablishing a medium of geting to our customers,we would want you to help the company contact one of our customer Mr. Jeffery Lester who has already shown willingness in making out payment for the last batches of products we supplied his company.

Please note that the reason for this to enable us send more products to his company which we intend doing at most 3 weeks from today.That is only when the payments most have been made to you.

We would want you to know that our customers information are very important to us and for this reason,it should be kept a secrete between us and not to be exposed to the general public.

We would want you to treat this client with great respect just as you have promised the company about respecting working enviroment and also respect for others.

Note that you are to allow payments in what so ever method he deems okay with Him at this point in time because he is a very big client of the company.

His information is available below:

NAME: Mr. Jeffery Lester
TEL: 647- 829- 4521
Email:[email protected]

I would want you to contact him as soon as possible with regards to the payments you would be expecting. Also note that he in person, might also get to you because we have already updated Him with you position.

Endeavour to keep us posted with all information with regards to the contact you would be making.

Thanks for your time and we look forward to hearing from you.

Yours Sincerely,
Dany Akira
Sales/Marketing Dept
Wan Thai foods Industry co., Ltd

by SlayerFaith Sat Aug 25, 2007 4:20 pm
OK, I got rid of the BS. This is what the letter really says:
contact customers that have already notified the company that they are willing and wanting to make out payments.

we would want you to help the company contact one of our customer Mr. Jeffery Lester who has already shown willingness in making out payment for the last batches of products we supplied his company.

That is only when the payments most have been made to you.

We would want you to know that our customers information are very important to us and for this reason,it should be kept a secrete between us and not to be exposed to the general public.
We would want you to treat this client with great respect (Lester is the forger)

Note that you are to allow payments in what so ever method he deems okay with Him

I would want you to contact him as soon as possible with regards to the payments you would be expecting.

Cut through the flowery stuff and bullshit, and this is a fake cheque scam all the way.

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