Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Wed Mar 28, 2012 7:29 pm
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Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2012 14:53:54 +0100
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From: Abdelsalam El-Sanusi <[email protected]>
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Dear One

I am Abdelsalam El-Sanusi the son of Ex-General in the Libyan Army, now in Ghana.I got your contact from a web business directory.Honestly, I am not a businessman. I hereby seek your assistance in the following ways.

1.To assist me and my sister transfer and keep our father fund which was deposited in a security firm in London United Kingdom under your custody and help us move from the refugee camp in Ghana where we are at the moment and join you in your country.

2.To assist us purchase a living house (home) in your country, where I and my sister can come over to further her education for safety. We have sixteen Million four hundred and fifty thousand united state dollars ($16,450,000.00USD) in a Prime Security Company in London which was deposited by our Father who is now deceased. Please educate us on the possibilities of conveying our fund to you in your country, for safe keeping in a reliable bank as we want to give you the details and contact information to make contact with the London firm for the transfer of the fund.

We will also supply you with any information from our position to make this happen, all we need from you is to stand for us as our father foreign partner and benefactor to help us transfer this fund and also help us leave the refugee camp here in Ghana and join you in your country.

My 18 years old sister and I will be coming over to your country, when you receive our fund with trust. Please contact me on([email protected]) to let me know you received my email.

I and my sister will compensate you with 20% of the fund for your help, all we need from you is your trust and cooperation to work with the security company, receive our fund and assist us in coming to your country soon after.

Abdelsalam El-Sanusi

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