Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Gateway Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:41 pm
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50/F, Citibank Tower
Citibank Plaza
3 Garden Road
Central, Hong Kong

Attention Honorable Beneficiary

Payment Release Instruction from Citi Bank Hong Kong

Acting on our capacity as the international correspondent bank of Hong Kong to the
International Monetary Fund Organization, Officially notify you that we have received a
transfer credit instruction from the International Monetary Funds External Auditors Committee,
World Bank, United Nations Organization and the Citi Bank Hong Kong respectively via
International Payment Voucher Number:IMF/FRBWDC/BOA
93WB82UN567-G requesting our bank to disburse/release and pay all Outstanding
Inheritances/contract payments, a lottery payment, fraudulent activities as well which is
overdue and has not been paid out to the direct beneficiaries and as well notify to the board

This arrangement was initiated/constituted after their UNGA United Nations General Assembly
meeting last week here in Hong Kong with the U.S.A Government, World Bank, United Nations
Organization and British Government due to the fraudulent activities/ elaborate global scam
going on within the Entire Globe with the most occurrences in Africa it was alarmed so much by
the rest of the world on the lose of funds by various foreigners to the scam artists
operating in syndicates all over the world today.

We are to credit your bank account with your full compensation payment with the sum of
$3.5million United States dollars as one of the beneficiaries through the IMF reserve account
with the Citi Bank Hong Kong. In consideration of the above, you have been issued with this
Exclusive Reference Identification Number (IMF/FRB-NY/9USXX10751/11), Vide Transaction No.:
WHA/USD/202 and Transfer Allocation No.: FRB/X44/701LN/NYC/US, Certificate of Merit No: 104,

Release Code No: 0876; Immediate FRB Telex Confirmation No: -222568; Secret Code: XXTN014.
With the vital payment numbers, you are instantly qualified to receive and confirm your
payment within the next 72hrs. As necessary clearance has been granted from the International
Monetary Funds External Auditors to release the funds In view of this directive received from
the International Monetary Funds (IMF),

Be informed that every arrangement regarding your payment has been made; you are to re-confirm
your full information which will be used to set up an online account with us to enable us
issue you your account login to access your account online and transfer your funds.

Your Full Name: --------

Your Complete Address: ----------

Your Direct Mobile Number: --------------

Your Direct Telephone Number: ------------

Present Occupation: ---------

Age: -----------------

Copy of your personal identification: ------

Country: -------------

Do reconfirm your international payment voucher number and your reference identification
number respectively to proceed with the preliminary arrangements That will enhance the
immediate release of your funds.

Finally you are advised to adhere to our instructions and keep this information highly
confidential as it is not made open to the public, this is to enable this office release your
funds to you within the stipulated time given.

Yours Truly.
Bassam Salem
CEO Citi Bank Hong Kong.
Contact Email: [email protected]
Direct Tel: +85251267236.)+85294620653

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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