Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:39 pm
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Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2012 11:34:58 +0100 (BST)
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Subject: Thanks
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Dear Sir,
I hope to receive your cooperation and assistance towards this business that I want to conclude with you in your country for a client.
I was approached by some officials of Libyan interior ministry consigning funds they want to move out from Libya to safeguild in your country for investment, and I was asked to look for a trusted person who could receive US$15Million for us, My name is Robert Gale, I serve here in Libya with the NATO Military Contingent, Engineering Unit in Tripoli, our mandate is for advisory purpose and for sincerity sake, this official trusted me to handle this transaction for them, so I do not want to betray the trust they have in me, although the ethics of my engagement here does not allow me to indulge in this kind of transaction, but after weighing the benefits, I decided to do it using my position as a Major to move the Fund out from here as military consignment so if you can keep the trust and you are interested, we are giving you 20% of the money, but first you must assure me that the money would be safe and secured on getting to you before we can proceed.
Please reply immediately for further information.
Thanking you,

Mavis Sung

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