by Ralph
Wed Sep 23, 2009 5:24 am
This email appears to have come from Fedex but if you have a closer look you will see it is nothing more than a clever trick to try to steal your money.
The email was sent from Nigeria*
You will notice that you are emant to contact a second email address and not Fedex, of course if you were to actually contact Fedex through their website they will know nothing of this
A search on the email address will show another example of the same opening line used in a scam Click Here
Here is the header which shows that a proxy has been used to hide the true sender
The email was sent from Nigeria*
You will notice that you are emant to contact a second email address and not Fedex, of course if you were to actually contact Fedex through their website they will know nothing of this
A search on the email address will show another example of the same opening line used in a scam Click Here
Good Day,
We have been waiting for you to contact us for your Confirmable Packagethat is registered with us for shipping to your residential location. Wehad thought that your sender gave you our contact details. It may interestyou to note that a letter is also added to your package. However, wecannot quote its content to you via email for Privacy reasons weunderstand that the content of your package itself is a Bank Draft whichworth over $30,000,000USD. As you know FedEx do not ship money in CASH orin CHEQUES but Bank Drafts are shippable. The package is registered withus for mailing by your colleague, and your colleague explained that he isfrom the United States but he is here in Nigeria for three (3) monthsSurveying Project as he works with a construction firm in the Nigeria WestAfrica region, We are sending you this email because your package is beenregistered on a Special Order. What you have to do now, is to contact ourDelivery Department for immediate dispatch of your package to yourresidential address.
Note that as soon as our Delivery Team confirm your information's it willtake only one Working day (24 hours) for your package to arrive itsdesignated address. For your information, the VAT & Shipping charges aswell as Insurance fees have been paid by your colleague before yourpackage was registered. Note that the payment that is made on theInsurance, Premium & Clearance Certificates, is to certify that the BankDraft is not for Drug Affiliated Fund (DAF) neither is it a fund tosponsor Terrorism in your country. This will help you avoid any form ofquery from the Monetary Authority of your country. However, you will haveto pay a sum of $205 to the FedEx Delivery Department being full paymentfor the Security Keeping Fee of the FedEx Company as stated in our privacyterms & condition page. Also be informed that your colleague wished to payfor the Security Keeping charges, but we do not accept such paymentconsidering the facts that all items & packages that is registered with ushave a time limitation and we cannot accept payment that is not known tous, so you are to send us your full detail so we can effect you with ourown payment information for the delivery of your parcel.
Kindly note that your colleague did not leave us with any furtherinformation we hope that you respond to us as soon as possible because ifyou fail to respond until the expiry date of this package, we may referthe package to the British Commission for Welfare as the package do nothave a return address. Kindly contact the delivery department (FedExExpress Delivery Post) with the details given below:
FedEx Express Delivery Post Contact Person: Mr. Alex Nathaniel
Tel: +2348066419480
Email:[email protected]
Kindly complete the below form and send it to the email address givenabove.
This is mandatory to reconfirm your Postal address and telephonenumbers. =========================================
SEX (M/F):
Kindly complete the above form and summit it to the delivery manager on:[email protected]
As soon as your details are received, our delivery team will give you thenecessary payment procedure so that you can effect the payment for theSecurity Keeping Fees. As soon as they confirm your payment of $205, theywill not hesitate to dispatch your package as well as the attached letterto your residence. It usually takes 24 hours being an over night deliveryservice.
Note that we were not instructed to email you, but due to the highpriority of your package we had to inform you as your sender did not leaveus with his phone number because he stated that he just arrived Nigeriaand he hasn't got any phone yet. We indeed personally sealed your BankDraft and we found your email contact in the attached letter as therecipient of the foremost package. Ensure to contact the deliverydepartment with the email address given above and ensure to fill the aboveform as well to enable a successful reconfirmation.
Yours Faithfully,
Mrs. Christiana Adamson
FedEx Online Team Management
Here is the header which shows that a proxy has been used to hide the true sender
X-Message-Status: n:0
X-SID-PRA: Fedex Delivery Services
Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.3959);
Mon, 21 Sep 2009 04:55:14 -0700
Received: (qmail 8433 invoked by uid 515); 20 Sep 2009 09:38:16 -0300
Received: from by (envelope-from , uid 512) with qmail-scanner-1.25st
(clamdscan: 0.88/4472. spamassassin: 3.1.4. perlscan: 1.25st.
Processed in 0.193141 secs); 20 Sep 2009 12:38:16 -0000
Received: from localhost (HELO (
by with SMTP; 20 Sep 2009 09:38:15 -0300
Received: from (proxying for
(SquirrelMail authenticated user administracao)
by with HTTP;
Sun, 20 Sep 2009 09:38:15 -0300 (BRT)
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2009 09:38:15 -0300 (BRT)
From: "Fedex Delivery Services"
Reply-To: [email protected]
User-Agent: SquirrelMail/1.5.1
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Return-Path: [email protected]
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 21 Sep 2009 11:55:14.0714 (UTC) FILETIME=[61752FA0:01CA3AB2]