Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Tue Apr 03, 2012 10:13 pm
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With Due Respect

I sourced your email from a human resource profile database in the chamber; my name is Mr Isa Ahmed. Account officer to late Mr. Morris Thompson from America who is a gold merchant Agent here in Ouagadougou Burkina Faso, a well known Philanthropist before he died. He made a Will stating that $15.6 Million dollars should be given to a citizen of our choice overseas. I have made a random draw and your e-mail address was picked as the beneficiary to this Will.

I am particularly interested in securing this money from the Bank because they have issued a notice instructing me been the account officer to produce the beneficiary of this before end of May. 2012 else the money will be credited to the Government treasury as per law here. It is my utmost desire to execute the Will of my late client Mr. Morris Thompson since he is no more alive, both wife Thelma Thompson, and daughter Sheryl Thompson.

If you are interested, you are required to contact me immediately to start the documentation process with the help of a legal practitioner. I urgent you to contact me immediately for further details bearing in mind that the Bank has given us a date limit.

Please act fast. I am waiting your urgent response. Meanwhile I request on your return mail, kindly re-send me your data's information's: Pleas Reply Me through My private email
Address; [email protected]
3.Your Full Name..........................
4.Your Sex.................................
5.Your Age..................................
6.Your Occupation.................... .....
7.Your Country....................... .......
8.Your Personal Mobile Number.........
9.Your pass or photo......................
However, feel free to ask me any question and I promise to clarify you on any doubts. Transaction with.

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