Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Wed Apr 04, 2012 4:50 pm
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Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2012 23:18:03 +0800
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Your ref: ATM/13470/IDR Your ref: ....................

This is to officially inform you that we have verified your
contract/inheritance payment file and discovered that the reason why you
have not been able to receive your contract/inheritance payment after
fulfilling all stipulated obligations and documentations is because you have
been dealing with impostors and none staff of the CBN. To this end, all your
efforts to secure the release of your fund failed. We therefore wish to
advise that continuing with such illegal acts to claim your
contract/inheritance funds will further frustrate and stop your payment

We have received the express mandate and instructions of the
President,Federal Republic of Nigeria: together with the EFCC Nigeria, the
Interpol and the FBI to commence the immediate release of your funds through
our swift card payment center. Based on the Presidents directive, we have
concluded arrangements for the release of your payment. The payment will be
concluded through our card center which will send to you an ATM CARD that
you will use to withdraw your contract/inheritance funds in any ATM MACHINE
CENTER in the world with a maximum of $4000 to $5000 United States Dollars
daily.However,Note that this method of payment will be granted if it is
acceptable to you for the release of your contract/inheritance entitlement.

You are advised to get back to us with your full contact details to claim
your fund.which is as stated below.

You are required to provide the following information:

1. Your full name.

2. Phone and fax number.

3. Address were you want the ATM Card to be sent.

(P.O Box not acceptable)

4. Your age and current occupation

5. Attach copy of your identification.

So that i can forward it to the Director(CBN, IRD, and ATM) for further
information on the release of your ATM Card.

The ATM CARD PAYMENT CENTER has been mandated to issue out $5.5000,000.00
(Five Million five hundred thousand, United States Dollars)

TAKE NOTICE:That you are warned to stop further communications with any
other person(s) or office(s) different from the staff of the ATM Card
payment center.

This measure is intended to stop the impostors you have erroneously been
dealing with. You are to adhere strictly to our code of conduct,which
is(ATM-13470) which you will have to indicate when contacting the card
center,by using it as your subject.Finally, for further discussions,you are
advised to email the Director CBN, IRD, ATM.

Silas Ndukwe

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