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by Reportandie Thu Apr 05, 2012 6:58 pm
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Good day to you. My name is Chife Prince john nana. GOLD SELLER

I am the community Chief to a gold mining community called Tarawa here in the Republic of Ghana . This community is having a large quantity of gold material this period since there is much rain now. We really need a trustworthy person to entrust this business project with.
We use to sell our produce in the local market but this time we need a foreign partner there in your country who can market our product because we need the income in bulk for the development of the community and buying of some small mining facilities that we can use for some local mines too.
We need any interested honest and reliable fellow to sign a memorandum of understanding with us then we can give any quantity of gold dust for him to sale and return our balance after sales.
Now our questions are:-
1. Can you handle this project?
2. Can I give you this trust?
3. Mail with phone& Fax number...........
My Dear, if you are interested please, get back to me immediately for further details and proper business.
so kindly riply me back true my private email
[email protected]
I wait for your reply urgently.
Best Regards,
Chief Prince john nana
phone number +233456068427

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