Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Thu Apr 05, 2012 7:01 pm
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Subject: ATTN VALID Beneficiary WE HAVE SENT TO YOU SEVERAL EMAIL WITH OUT ANY RESPONSE FROM YOU REGARDING US$4,000.000.00 Deposited in first bank of Nigeria PLC By The U.N Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon This Fund is from United Nation your Name and contact is among the listed Beneficiary Around they globe that will receive this compensation your email address is Been choose after going through your profile to use this Fund to help the less Privileged people in churches Hospitals and motherless Babies Homes in your society so as to help people in there needs because of the Economic meltdown Facing the Nation Your US$4,000.000.00 has been Deposited in our Bank we shall give you more Details when you reconfirm back the required information's as we are Looking forward to transfer your Fund Contact us immediately with the following details for the payment of Your Inheritance Sum of US$4,000.000.00 Please include your name, address, telephone numbers, and e-mail address !
Date___________________ Name___________________________Last First MICurrent/Former Occupation_____________________________ BIRTH DATE___________________________ Nick Name__________________________ Last First MIHOME ADDRESS Street __________________City __________________________________ (ST) _____ (ZIP) ________________Home Telephone (______)_______________________Other Telephone (______)_______________________ E-MAIL Address_______________________ For your reply contact us on this email we shall only respond to you hence you contact us with this official email [email protected] or [email protected] Yours in Service Mrs rose marry al-well Office Secretary First Bank Nigeria Dr Alhaji Lawal Kankia Ibrahim Executive Director (Operations & Services) want to share with you a URL
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From: [email protected]
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Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2012 16:56:02 +0530
Subject: ATTN VALID Beneficiary WE HAVE SENT TO YOU SEVERAL EMAIL WITH OUT ANY RESPONSE FROM YOU REGARDING US$4,000.000.00 Deposited in first bank of Nigeria PLC By The U.N Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon This Fund is from United Nation your Name and contact is among the listed Beneficiary Around they globe that will receive this compensation your email address is Been choose after going through your profile to use this Fund to help the less Privileged people in churches Hospitals and motherless Babies Homes in your society so as to help people in there needs because of the Economic meltdown Facing the Nation Your US$4,000.000.00 has been Deposited in our Bank we shall give you more Details when you reconfirm back the required information's as we are Looking forward to transfer your Fund Contact us immediately with the following details for the payment of Your Inheritance Sum of US$4,000.000.00 Please include your name, address, telephone numbers, and e-mail address !
Date___________________ Name___________________________Last First MICurrent/Former Occupation_____________________________ BIRTH DATE___________________________ Nick Name__________________________ Last First MIHOME ADDRESS Street __________________City __________________________________ (ST) _____ (ZIP) ________________Home Telephone (______)_______________________Other Telephone (______)_______________________ E-MAIL Address_______________________ For your reply contact us on this email we shall only respond to you hence you contact us with this official email [email protected] or [email protected] Yours in Service Mrs rose marry al-well Office Secretary First Bank Nigeria Dr Alhaji Lawal Kankia Ibrahim Executive Director (Operations & Services) want to share with you a URL

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Good day!

You would be very happy to know that one of your friends "ATTN VALID Beneficiary WE HAVE SENT TO YOU SEVERAL EMAIL WITH OUT ANY RESPONSE FROM YOU REGARDING US$4,000.000.00 Deposited in first bank of Nigeria PLC By The U.N Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon This Fund is from United Nation your Name and contact is among the listed Beneficiary Around they globe that will receive this compensation your email address is Been choose after going through your profile to use this Fund to help the less Privileged people in churches Hospitals and motherless Babies Homes in your society so as to help people in there needs because of the Economic meltdown Facing the Nation Your US$4,000.000.00 has been Deposited in our Bank we shall give you more Details when you reconfirm back the required information's as we are Looking forward to transfer your Fund Contact us immediately with the following details for the payment of Your Inheritance Sum of US$4,000.000.00 Please include your name,! address, telephone numbers, and e-mail address Date___________________ Name___________________________Last First MICurrent/Former Occupation_____________________________ BIRTH DATE___________________________ Nick Name__________________________ Last First MIHOME ADDRESS Street __________________City __________________________________ (ST) _____ (ZIP) ________________Home Telephone (______)_______________________Other Telephone (______)_______________________ E-MAIL Address_______________________ For your reply contact us on this email we shall only respond to you hence you contact us with this official email [email protected] or [email protected] Yours in Service Mrs rose marry al-well Office Secretary First Bank Nigeria Dr Alhaji Lawal Kankia Ibrahim Executive Director (Operations & Services)" have searched a very user friendly and profitable B2B portal for you.

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Your friend "ATTN VALID Beneficiary WE HAVE SENT TO YOU SEVERAL EMAIL WITH OUT ANY RESPONSE FROM YOU REGARDING US$4,000.000.00 Deposited in first bank of Nigeria PLC By The U.N Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon This Fund is from United Nation your Name and contact is among the listed Beneficiary Around they globe that will receive this compensation your email address is Been choose after going through your profile to use this Fund to help the less Privileged people in churches Hospitals and motherless Babies Homes in your society so as to help people in there needs because of the Economic meltdown Facing the Nation Your US$4,000.000.00 has been Deposited in our Bank we shall give you more Details when you reconfirm back the required information's as we are Looking forward to transfer your Fund Contact us immediately with the following details for the payment of Your Inheritance Sum of US$4,000.000.00 Please include your name, address, telephone numbers, and e-mail addre! ss Date___________________ Name___________________________Last First MICurrent/Former Occupation_____________________________ BIRTH DATE___________________________ Nick Name__________________________ Last First MIHOME ADDRESS Street __________________City __________________________________ (ST) _____ (ZIP) ________________Home Telephone (______)_______________________Other Telephone (______)_______________________ E-MAIL Address_______________________ For your reply contact us on this email we shall only respond to you hence you contact us with this official email [email protected] or [email protected] Yours in Service Mrs rose marry al-well Office Secretary First Bank Nigeria Dr Alhaji Lawal Kankia Ibrahim Executive Director (Operations & Services)" has find this key to success in business and waiting for you. So dont wait for a single moment and just be one of successful members at Eworldtradefair! .com.

"ATTN VALID Beneficiary WE HAVE SENT TO YOU SEVERAL EMAIL WITH OUT ANY RESPONSE FROM YOU REGARDING US$4,000.000.00 Deposited in first bank of Nigeria PLC By The U.N Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon This Fund is from United Nation your Name and contact is among the listed Beneficiary Around they globe that will receive this compensation your email address is Been choose after going through your profile to use this Fund to help the less Privileged people in churches Hospitals and motherless Babies Homes in your society so as to help people in there needs because of the Economic meltdown Facing the Nation Your US$4,000.000.00 has been Deposited in our Bank we shall give you more Details when you reconfirm back the required information's as we are Looking forward to transfer your Fund Contact us immediately with the following details for the payment of Your Inheritance Sum of US$4,000.000.00 Please include your name, address, telephone numbers, and e-mail address Date____! _______________ Name___________________________Last First MICurrent/Former Occupation_____________________________ BIRTH DATE___________________________ Nick Name__________________________ Last First MIHOME ADDRESS Street __________________City __________________________________ (ST) _____ (ZIP) ________________Home Telephone (______)_______________________Other Telephone (______)_______________________ E-MAIL Address_______________________ For your reply contact us on this email we shall only respond to you hence you contact us with this official email [email protected] or [email protected] Yours in Service Mrs rose marry al-well Office Secretary First Bank Nigeria Dr Alhaji Lawal Kankia Ibrahim Executive Director (Operations & Services)" has also selected following URL to visit.

URL : eworldtradefair.com/

Message By ATTN VALID Beneficiary WE HAVE SENT TO YOU SEVERAL EMAIL WITH OUT ANY RESPONSE FROM YOU REGARDING US$4,000.000.00 Deposited in first bank of Nigeria PLC By The U.N Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon This Fund is from United Nation your Name and contact is among the listed Beneficiary Around they globe that will receive this compensation your email address is Been choose after going through your profile to use this Fund to help the less Privileged people in churches Hospitals and motherless Babies Homes in your society so as to help people in there needs because of the Economic meltdown Facing the Nation Your US$4,000.000.00 has been Deposited in our Bank we shall give you more Details when you reconfirm back the required information's as we are Looking forward to transfer your Fund Contact us immediately with the following details for the payment of Your Inheritance Sum of US$4,000.000.00 Please include your name, address, telephone numbers, and e-mail! address Date___________________ Name___________________________Last First MICurrent/Former Occupation_____________________________ BIRTH DATE___________________________ Nick Name__________________________ Last First MIHOME ADDRESS Street __________________City __________________________________ (ST) _____ (ZIP) ________________Home Telephone (______)_______________________Other Telephone (______)_______________________ E-MAIL Address_______________________ For your reply contact us on this email we shall only respond to you hence you contact us with this official email [email protected] or [email protected] Yours in Service Mrs rose marry al-well Office Secretary First Bank Nigeria Dr Alhaji Lawal Kankia Ibrahim Executive Director (Operations & Services)


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