Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Fri Apr 06, 2012 7:32 pm
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Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2012 15:12:18 -0700 (PDT)
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Hello my Dear ,

Good day. This is to inform you? I have Paid there registration fee for your CHEQUE which has been with me for along time. And I went to the bank to confirm if the CHEQUE has expired or getting near to expire and Mr. Justin Yayi the Director Bank of Africa told me that before the CHEQUE will get to your hand that it will expire. So I told him to cash the $2.8million united state dollarsS to cash payment to avoid losing this funds under expiration. However, all the necessary arrangement for delivering the $2.8million uniteds tate dollarsS in cash was made with FEDEX EXPRESS COURIERCOMPANY here in Cotonou Benin Republic, Mr.Justin Yayi the Director of Bank of Africa Cotonou has package the sum of $2.8million USD in cash for you.Then he also help me to Register the Consignment with FEDEX EXPRESS COURIER COMPANY Infact I thank God very much for all the movement I made, every thing went normally.

As for our agreement with the FEDEX EXPRESS COURIER COMPANY they promised that your consignment will leave this Country on or before 5 days from now, But the Director of the FEDEX EXPRESS COURIER COMPANY said that they need your contacts information's to enable them meet up with you immediately the Diplomat Agents ATTN: DR EDWARD H. LYNN Email: ([email protected]) line:+229-99292109.

Please Send them your contacts information to enable them locateimmediately they arrived in your country with your BOX This is what they need from you. 1.YOUR FULL NAME.. .................. 2.
YOUR COUNTRY... .......................
3.YOUR HOME DELIVERY ADDRESS...... ..................
4.YOUR CURRENT HOME TELEPHONE NUMBER.... ...................

Please make sure you send this needed information to the Director general of FEDEX EXPRESS COURIER COMPANY DR. EDWARD H. LYNN with the address given to you. The only fee you can pay them is there security safy keeping fee and shipping fee i would have pay it to them but they said no because they don't know when you are going to contact them to aviod dumorrage. Note this Courrier Service Company don't know the contents of the Box. I registered it as a BOX of Africa cloths. They did not know the contents was money. this is to avoid them delaying with the BOX. Don't let them know that the box contents was money ok.

I am waiting for your urgent response. You can even call the Director of FEDEX EXPRESS COURIER COMPANY with this line:Tel +229-99 29 21 09 Below is the Deposit details: Deposit Number: PLCC-101-PL45
Sort/Clearance Code: PLC/101-45/P50
Deposit Certificate N0.: 405576
Consignment Description: 1 BOX of Africa cloths
Depositor: Mr. James Williams.

Thanks and Remain Blessed.

Regards.Mr. James Williams.

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