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by Gateway Sat Apr 07, 2012 3:16 pm
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It is our pleasure to contact you for assistance in an investment project over there in your country.

We are looking for an interested and sincere partner who is experience in the field of investment for our client who is interested to invest in joint ventures such as Hotel Building, Real estate. oil investments Insurance and any other possible investment in your country.

She is interested in investing in an already existing firm or an entirely new investment development project. She will provide the capital needed for the proposed investment project while you will assist as a resident of the country to ensure that the investment project is carried out successful according to the laws of your country.

Our sincere regards to you and your family as we await for your prompt response once you consider this proposal beneficial to you.

Best Regards
Mr. Maurice Acclombessi

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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