Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
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Be inform that there is ready fund for transfer.REASON OF CONTACTING YOU URGENT LIKE THIS IS BECAUSE YOU SHARE THE SAME LAST NAME WITH THE CUSTOMER ALSO A FOREIGNER. following the laws of foreign wire proceedure here inheritance transfer as i wouldnt like this fund to be shared among the top bank officiasl all in the name of confisication the late customer who share the same last name with you also of the same national.

All about the fund and the decesaed customer are with me like the deposit certificate and the death certificate of the customer which i will provide immediately i saw your sincere interest.

You may be or not the relative of the deceased customer but since you share the same last name with him also of the same national the immediate transfer will be made either Bank telegraphic transfer or diplomatic agent delivery to your house address,sealed with synthetic nylon and padded.

The amount in question is 4.5Million, know that am using you as a leg way to see the immediate transfer of the sdaid fund which immediately the fund get wired to any of your nominated bank account i will come over to your location to have my share which i will disscuss properly as soon as i hear from you.

Please kindly get back to me with the requested information's via my private email :

[email protected]

As well provide the below information for proceed to ensure the immediate wire of this fund within 72 working hours


Billy Moore,
Phone No 229 981 859 76

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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