Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:30 pm
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My name is Dr. Alicija Jastrebske,I was born on 12th of June 1944,I AM Sixty Seven years old (67years).

I am from Canada my late husband is a citizen of your country his name is Joseph Brown ,please pardon the way i have contact u unknown/or email,but i am so sick old and weary and can not go out to the street to find somebody but i believe that through you others people will benefit from his fund. Since i did not know any of my husband family in your country again, we have not trave to your country since 40 years ago, and he was trying to locate his only sister 10 years ago and he was told that she had died. Since then we have not visit or travel to your country. That is why i am looking for any person national to transfer my late husband money to since my late husband is a citizen in your country.

We are married for 40 years before his sudden death,i inherited my late husband wealth $2,700,000 million dolar, i am suffering from overspread cancer problem, i am afraid to die leaving my late husband wealth unclaimed, due to the fact that i lost my 28 years old son and my husband in car accident when they both travel for a business meeting in Ontario Canada, while i was at the hospital in Quebec Canada for radiation and chemotherapy surgery as result of overspread cancer tumor in my body. I want you to help me withdraw this fund as my beneficiary, i want this money to go to your country where my husband come from, so that my spirit can have peace when i died, if i fail to do anything now, this money will go to Canada government since i have no next of kin and i have no time since the doctor told me i have just three weeks to before i die because of my old age and overspread cancer.

I will give you more details immediately as soon as i hear from you. You can send your reply to this email ( [email protected] )

My God bless you.
Dr. Alicija Jastrebske.

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