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Sun Apr 08, 2012 12:13 pm
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Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2012 03:29:15 +0800 (CST)
From: "MRS.AMINA SAIB" <[email protected]>
Reply-To: "MRS.AMINA SAIB" <[email protected]>
Subject: dear =?utf-8?B?ZnJpZW5kL9CU0L7RgNC+0LPQvtC5INC00YDRg9Cz?=
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Good Day,
With tears rolling down my eyes and with total submission to the will of God, I Choose this means to communicate you because I am sure I will get in contact with the right person that will be honest to me. This mail might come to you as a surprise and the temptation to ignore it as unserious could come into your mind
but please consider it a divine wish and accept it with a deep sense of humility. I got your E-mail in your countries online E-mail directory book.
I am Mrs.Amina Saib, I worked as a financial consultant and i was also the President/CEO of servicing company here in London United Kingdom. I was married for 32 years with no child and my husband died 5years ago. Since my husband died, I decided not to marry again or adopt a child, this is basically my own decision to honor him for the love we shared and the life we lived for. Before this happened my business and love for making money was all I cared for and I never cared about other people, i was selfish. But since my Husband died and also because I had no child to call my own, I have found a new desire to assist the helpless, I have been helping orphans in orphanages/motherless homes/humanitarians. I have donated some money to orphans in Sudan, Ethiopia, Haiti, Turkey and some Asian countries.
IN SUMMARY: I have GBP.£15,000,000.000.00 (Fifteen million British pounds sterling) which I deposited in a bank in London United Kingdom as a family treasure & artifiarts,I have been suffering from oesophageal cancer of the lungs for 3years now, though what disturbs me
most is stroke. I want you to assist me in receiving the fund (GBP.£15,000,000.000.00), and distributing the money to charity Organizations, I agree to reward you with part of the money for your Assistance, kindness and participation in this Godly project. Before I Became ill, I kept GBP.£15 Million in a long-term deposit in a bank in London which I declared as a family
treasure and artifiarts. I am in the Hospital now, where I have been taking treatment for brain trauma and oesophageal cancer of the lungs and my doctors have told me yesterday that I have only a few weeks to die. It is my last wish to see this money distributed to charity organizations.
Remember that life itself is a misery and nobody can tell what can be of it. Thank God i am a computer literate, so i am using my private laptop computer to contact you from my sick bed, and because my relatives and friends have squandered so much of my money since My illness, I cannot live with the agony of entrusting this huge responsibility to any to them. Please, I beg you in the name of God to Help me to receive the GBP.£15
Million which I deposited with the name of my late Husband as the next of kin. Because of my health situation, the bank told me to appoint a person that will utilize this fund, because of there banking policy to avoid confiscation fund and my last wish is to be accomplished by you Sharing the money among charity organizations or you build a charity home.
You are at liberty to use your discretion to distribute the money and feel free as well to reimburse yourself when you have the money for any expenses in distributing the money to charity organizations. I am willing to reward you for your assistance and kindness.
I promise you that i will send you all the necessary documents needed in receiving this money from my bank.
Kindly contact me via E-mail at: [email protected] for more details.
May the good Lord bless you and your family !
Best Regards,
You can contact me privately with: [email protected]
Received: from compute1.internal (compute1.nyi.mail.srv.osa [])
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Sat, 07 Apr 2012 15:29:27 -0400
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Sun, 8 Apr 2012 03:29:17 +0800 (CST)
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Sun, 8 Apr 2012 03:29:15 +0800 (CST)
Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2012 03:29:15 +0800 (CST)
From: "MRS.AMINA SAIB" <[email protected]>
Reply-To: "MRS.AMINA SAIB" <[email protected]>
Subject: dear =?utf-8?B?ZnJpZW5kL9CU0L7RgNC+0LPQvtC5INC00YDRg9Cz?=
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: Zimbra 7.1.2_GA_3268 (ZimbraWebClient - FF3.0 (Win)/7.1.2_GA_3268)
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
X-Truedomain-SPF: No Record
X-Truedomain-DKIM: No Signature
X-Truedomain-ID: 07C9ADD53386A7C071FF134239FF817E
X-Truedomain: Neutral
Good Day,
With tears rolling down my eyes and with total submission to the will of God, I Choose this means to communicate you because I am sure I will get in contact with the right person that will be honest to me. This mail might come to you as a surprise and the temptation to ignore it as unserious could come into your mind
but please consider it a divine wish and accept it with a deep sense of humility. I got your E-mail in your countries online E-mail directory book.
I am Mrs.Amina Saib, I worked as a financial consultant and i was also the President/CEO of servicing company here in London United Kingdom. I was married for 32 years with no child and my husband died 5years ago. Since my husband died, I decided not to marry again or adopt a child, this is basically my own decision to honor him for the love we shared and the life we lived for. Before this happened my business and love for making money was all I cared for and I never cared about other people, i was selfish. But since my Husband died and also because I had no child to call my own, I have found a new desire to assist the helpless, I have been helping orphans in orphanages/motherless homes/humanitarians. I have donated some money to orphans in Sudan, Ethiopia, Haiti, Turkey and some Asian countries.
IN SUMMARY: I have GBP.£15,000,000.000.00 (Fifteen million British pounds sterling) which I deposited in a bank in London United Kingdom as a family treasure & artifiarts,I have been suffering from oesophageal cancer of the lungs for 3years now, though what disturbs me
most is stroke. I want you to assist me in receiving the fund (GBP.£15,000,000.000.00), and distributing the money to charity Organizations, I agree to reward you with part of the money for your Assistance, kindness and participation in this Godly project. Before I Became ill, I kept GBP.£15 Million in a long-term deposit in a bank in London which I declared as a family
treasure and artifiarts. I am in the Hospital now, where I have been taking treatment for brain trauma and oesophageal cancer of the lungs and my doctors have told me yesterday that I have only a few weeks to die. It is my last wish to see this money distributed to charity organizations.
Remember that life itself is a misery and nobody can tell what can be of it. Thank God i am a computer literate, so i am using my private laptop computer to contact you from my sick bed, and because my relatives and friends have squandered so much of my money since My illness, I cannot live with the agony of entrusting this huge responsibility to any to them. Please, I beg you in the name of God to Help me to receive the GBP.£15
Million which I deposited with the name of my late Husband as the next of kin. Because of my health situation, the bank told me to appoint a person that will utilize this fund, because of there banking policy to avoid confiscation fund and my last wish is to be accomplished by you Sharing the money among charity organizations or you build a charity home.
You are at liberty to use your discretion to distribute the money and feel free as well to reimburse yourself when you have the money for any expenses in distributing the money to charity organizations. I am willing to reward you for your assistance and kindness.
I promise you that i will send you all the necessary documents needed in receiving this money from my bank.
Kindly contact me via E-mail at: [email protected] for more details.
May the good Lord bless you and your family !
Best Regards,
You can contact me privately with: [email protected]
If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]
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