Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Sun Apr 08, 2012 8:00 pm
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My name is Miss Mina Omar.I am writing you to request you to be my Trustee and manage my fund which I inherited from my late father the sum of ($5,000,000.00) five million united states dollars who died during the civil war in my country with my mother and my plan is to continue and complete my education in your country which was disrupted as a result of their death while you will be managing the business on my behalf while i continue my education.

Please let me know your opinion regarding this offer so that I can detail you accordingly to enable you have access to the fund and receive it in your account for investment while I continue my education under your care with hope that you will not disappoint me.
I am willing to offer you 20% of the total sum as your commission for helping me to receive the fund in a safe account.
I am waiting to hear from you. Reply me via [email protected]
Best regard
Miss Mina Omar

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