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Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2012 11:54:09 -0430 (VET)
From: fdjourou <[email protected]>
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Subject: Tel:(225)45206142
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X-Truedomain: NeutralFrom Mr. Fulbert Gbagbo Djourou
105 boulevrd gestion,
Rue 14 Cocody, Abidjan.
Cote D'Ivoire.

Dear beloved one.

I'm Fulbert Gbagbo Djourou, the son of the Ex-president Luarant Gbagbo Kudo Djourou who was removed from office through
international pressure in cote d'ivoire following the presidential elections of Nov.2010 that he clearly won but since
France and the U.N don't want him anymore in power so they and thier allied in the U.N have to remove him from
Office with force of which they succeeded after much fighting in Cote d'ivoire,although finally he was captured
and now awaiting trials in the Hauge.Hope you are current with what just happened in my Country Cote d'ivoire
after presidential elections of Nov.2010,that's why I contacted you for this help.

Please although we don't know each other before,I hope you will not betray my confidence in you for I prayed to God
Alimghty before contacting you for this help because I'm the only son of the former president Luarant Gbagbo Kudo
Djourou who is still out of puplic view although still living in the Country but have nothing to do with the
new government.

Now the help I need from you is that my father the Ex_President deposited the sum of US$4O milllion WILL to me in
my name Fulbert Djourou as the only son of my mother with a bank here in Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire and all relevant
documents are intact with me here, so that's my reason for contacting you to help me clear and transfer this money
to your Country for my resettlement and the futhering of my education.

Sir, Please as soon as I hear from you then I will send you all the neccessary informations that will lead to the release of the money to you.
why not call me on my Tel number (225)45206142 so that we can discuss in details all neccessary steps

Thanks as I hope to hear from you as soon as posible so that we can know what next to do.

My Regards.

Mr. Fulbert Gbagbo Djourou

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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