Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by taugeh Wed Apr 11, 2012 2:29 pm
Union Bank of Switzerland AG
Bahnhofstr 45
8098 Zuerich

Attn: Beneficiary.

This department of Union Bank of Switzerland was instructed to remit the
total sum of $15,000,000.00 on your behalf as your payment hold by African
Union and Central Bank of Nigeria.

The transfer effects immediately as we confirm the following.

(i) The direct telephone numbers of your account manager who will confirm
the receipt in your account.

Lastly, you are advice to make payment of $198.00 being for TRANSFER COED
receipt to Central Bank of Nigeria, send the fees via western union, the
receiver's name hereunder:

Receiver's Name: Enyinnaya Chiwendu
Address: Lagos, Nigeria.
Amount: $198.00

(ii) Forward the payment receipt with the receiving bank account
information of yours to us for immediate transfer of your fund.

The fund will confirm in your account within two days.

We remain Union Bank of Switzerland AG


Naresh Golin
Union Bank of Switzerland AG
Bahnhofstr 45
8098 Zuerich
Notice To Recipient: This email (and any attachments) is only intended for
the use of the person or entity to which it is addressed, and may contain
information that is privileged and confidential. You, the recipient, are
obligated to maintain it in a safe, secure and confidential manner.
Unauthorized redisclosure or failure to maintain confidentiality may
subject you to federal and state penalties. If you are not the recipient,
please immediately notify Union Bank of Switzerland AG of Zuerich
by return email, and delete this message from your computer.

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