Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by fauch69 Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:12 pm
After posting on Craigslist seeking an investor for a proposed new business, I recieved numerous responses, some of them obviously scams. (actually almost all responses).
I went back and forth by email with one potential investor named Michael Day. He seemed legitimate, asking for business plan and asking what seemed to me to be the right questions. He stated to me that the capital I was seeking is far below the minimum he usually loans. After a few days, he stated that he would donate the money to me, as he believed me to be an honest person, and I deserve a start. After I opened a bank account at a bank of my choice, he had his financial manager contact me and had me fill out an application. At this point I was wary because of someone offering me the money as a gift but I became even more wary when the application only had the company name and logo on it. No address or phone number. Because I really wanted it to work I filled out the application and sent it back. The manager then asked me for a fee of over $3600. I then contacted the origional guy and asked him what that was for. He explained it was a processing fee because the money was a gift. He explained this using the exact same wording as the "manager". I was also told the fee could not be deducted out of the transfer because it was not policy. I told him I was not going to pay money out of my pocket and that is that.
One week has passed and he contacted me to ask if I still had the account I set up for the wire transfer.(I set up a basic savings account with the bare minimum for a deposit. Only $25) I told him that I did and he asked me if I would be willing to accept and wire out money for other investments, and he would give me the money we origionally agreed upon as a gift. When I mentioned to him I did not want to be responsible for the taxes, he stated he would keep deposits to under $10k. He also wants online access to account.
My question is, what risk am I facing if I do this? Has anyone heard of this before? I don't understand how he could scam me, but this sounds too good to be true.

by Frank Bishop Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:34 pm
fauch69 wrote: The manager then asked me for a fee of over $3600.

100% Scam. If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Your new "business partner" wants access to your bank account?

Drop all contact with this putz and ignore any future contact, he will go away. If you gave him your account details, close the account. It looks, from what you have posted, your maximum potental loss would be $25 if you gave him the account details.

Did you give him any other personal information?
by fauch69 Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:12 pm
Thank you very much for your response.
Yes he wants online access for the account he plans on me using for this new venture of me accepting and transfering money for his investments, as he is busy in Australia for the forseeable future.
I did give him some personal information. The application asked for name, address and phone number. I gave him an old prepaid phone number instead of my primary cell number. For employment information I wrote the name of the business I am trying to start and the prepaid number again. It also asked for two personal refrences, but I "accidently" mistyped the phone numbers. Can he do anything to me with that information?
I guess I can assume that this new venture where he wants to use the account I set up origionally for the wire transfer (I was not giving him the info for my real account) is a scam also? I am just curious, what do they do with the account? Do they launder money through it, or are they after the lousy $25 it took for me to open it?
Once again, thank you
by Helen Halper Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:29 am
Welcome to Scamwarners, fauch69!
I'm really glad that you found your way here! The scammer wants to use your bank account to receive money that he has stolen from other victims. He might even be working with a group of scammers, who would all have stolen money sent to the account.

by fauch69 Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:27 pm
Helen Halper, thank you for your response.
After reading your explaination some things are starting to make sense to me. Such as why he wouldn't give me his address or phone number. So his "account manager" is most likely some innocent person who he got to do the same thing he is trying to recruit me to do. Correct? And if I sent her the money, she would be criminally responsible for the scam. Or do you think the manager is actually him?
If you think she is an unwilling party to his scam, should I tell her? I would hate for an innocent person to go to jail or prison because of this guy.
Before I wrote this, I was thinking of taking the money that supposedly came from him and donating it to victims of these types of scams, but I am sure he is too smart on the matter to let that happen. It soumds like you are telling me the money is not even his, but other victims of his scam.
Thank you
by John DeLaney Sat Apr 14, 2012 12:42 am
Hi fauch69

As Helen posted above, you would be basically involved in money laundering, receiving money from people like yourself, in response to the scammers proposals.

You would be asked to transfer it via Western Union in most cases, so that there would be a cut off point that any law enforcement agency would be unable to go past.

Any funds sent by Western Union are untraceable, other than knowing where they have been received.

You would be charged with money laundering, your bank accounts and credit cards would be closed, and in all probability, you would receive a jail sentence.

Drop all contact, close the account you set up for him to use.

John DeLaney
by fauch69 Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:47 am
Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post.
I think I will contact the woman who he wanted me to send the $3600 to so I can tell her be careful of this situation and she could end up in trouble with her bank as well as with the police.
I dont care even if it ends up being him, because I am finished with this idiot. He knows I have children, and still could care less about having me risk my freedom.
Please excuse my ignorance, but is there a way to find out where he was e-mailing me from? He has been using a g-mail account and we also have chatted on yahoo im.
I also just wanted to say how great I think this website is. I just wish that more people were educated on the subject (including myself) because I get at least 3 of these scams emailed to me every day.
Should I post his information so people could be aware of him? Should I post the information for the "account manager"?
Thank you,
by Justin Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:44 am
Hello fauch69!

As far as the information about who they told you to send the money to it would be better to send it to one of the support staff here than try and contact them yourself. There's no way of knowing how involved the person is with the scam and we have experience dealing with these things.

Gmail is one of the email providers that strip the originating IP so you cannot see where they came from. In some cases you can with Yahoo if he sent you an email from that address.

Please do post the scammers details it can help someone else avoid the scammer that search those details.


by fauch69 Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:03 pm
Thank you for your response. His name is supposedly Michael Day. He responded to a listing I posted on Craigslist seeking an investor. At first I was seeking $50k for funds to start up a business. He stated that this was far below his minimum and tried to talk me into more. He also asked ME what the terms of loan would be which I thought was strange. After going back and forth dozens of times with details on the business, he stated how I reminded him of himself when he first got started and he would give me $100k as a gift. You can read the following events in my listings above.
Like I said his name is Michael Day. He said he is from Texas, but he will be in Australia for the near future. His email address he used to contact me is mday82611@gmail. His "account managers name is Danielle Lewis her email is [email protected].
I am not sure if she even exists because alot of what she said, was word for word things he said

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