Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:40 am
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This may appear a bit surprise to you but very beneficial as a matter of urgent and we are desperately looking for a foreign partner whom we can trust to handle some investment or

Fund movement.

I got your address from the consultancy directory during my search for a reliable and honest person to transact this business with; I currently reside in Johannesburg, South Africa with my three Children. I am from Swaziland. My late husband until his death, was an employee with Anglo Gold before his death in November 7th 2011, our attention was drawn by his attorney (Lawyer) in regards to the deposit of US$7.3 million made by my late husband to one of the commercial banks in South Africa. Before his untimely demise, my late husband (Mr. Johnson Tshabalala) was the Project Engineer of the above named firm, and since his working life, he has been with the said company, where he made fortunes as the project engineer. He was happily married with me and my three children, although his death was so untimely, such made us not to be aware of this deposit, until our attention was drawn by his attorney on the 5th of January this year and ever since then, we’ve been trying to figure out on the best way we should tackle on this transaction, especially, haven some one that will be reliable hence the global recession might hamper us the opportunity to have a God fearing and reliable person. We have contacted with the commercial bank on our intention to transfer the deposited fund out of South Africa as we do not have any intention of investing in this part of the world due to the huge tax requirements by the South African authorities for any foreign investments. On this case, our attorney has giving us his support to provide to us all the information we might require to set up an appropriate claim of the fund, also for transfer to any foreign bank account which we may desire the fund to be remitted. We find it in our uttermost interest to contact you for your assistance and we wish to invest under your guidelines and supervision, though we have mapped out the sharing formalities. For your assistance, we shall be offering you with 30% of the total fund; hence we will be willing to invest 50% of the total fund in any meaningful investment under your total guideline and supervision, then 20% will go to our miscellaneous expenses and some charities in your country as well as in Swaziland.

You can respond immediately upon your confirmation.

God bless!


Mrs. Helen Tshabalala for and on behalf of Tshabalala’s family residing in Johannesburg

South Africa

Email: [email protected]

Tel: +2782 563 0581

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