Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:40 am
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Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2012 07:53:28 -0600
From: "Mrs. Safia Farkash Gaddafi" <[email protected]>
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Subject: From Mrs. Safia Farkash Gaddafi /Important
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Greetings in the name of Allah,

I am the wife of the late Libyan President Gaddafi who was killed by rebels on
Thursday 20th Oct 2011, please my life is in big danger and I would like to use
you as my contact to move a huge sum of money and start living a free life in
your country. I have been on veils as a Muslim since he married me, which is our
religion right, nobody has seen my face or knows me except my children and him
and I thank Allah for this.

I cannot be identified by anybody in the world now that things have gone bad. I
am taking refuge in Northern part of Nigeria. Formally i was in Algeria but we
left there out of fear that we is not safe because the Rebels can trace to any
Northern part of Africa. I and my three children can't go back to Libya
otherwise we will be killed. We are afraid that our life could be in danger in
Libya and for reasons which i believe you know, we can not live in Nigeria.

The death of my husband was a broad day murder by the Libyan rebels. He was
captured and killed not by stray bullet as the world was made to believe. it was
a bad experience and a difficult in time for us. I want to relocate to your
country, to start up a new life. I have some money fifty one million us dollar
($51m) in my possession which i will like to invest in any profitable business
in your country. I want you to guard me through the business i will invest. I
will reward you with 20% percent of the total money.

I will furnish you with more info as soon as I read your response indicating
your interest to partner with me. At present I don't receive or make calls for
security reason (s) as it is being monitored.

All communication is based on internet. I look forward to your prompt and
positive response. Please if you are not interested, please kindly delete and do
not spread this message for the safety of my family life. Please reply only to
my confidential email address: ([email protected]) for security


Mrs. Safia Farkash Gaddafi

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