Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:44 am
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Complement of the season read careful for understanding

My name is Mrs.Maria Wasilewska I am 63 years old, I am a dying woman who have decided to donate this money to a reliable
individual that will use this US$3.5M[three Million,
Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollar] to build orphanage
home,help the poor and less privilege.

I was diagnosed for cancer for about 2 years ago.
my Doctor told me recently that I do not have up to 2 Months to
live,because of the complications with the cancer problem.
I am in the Hospital now and will be in for an operation by next
week as I believe that God is merciful and can extend my stay
to make sure I fulfil my heart desire by helping the less priviledge ones.

The above mentioned Fund was deposited in a BANK by
my husband is successful Oil Marchant married for 25 years without a Child my Husband pass away two years ago.

I do believe you will not disappoint me in using this money to
help the poor in your country.

I am taking this decision because I do not have any child that
will inherit this money.

I have adjusted my WILL and my lawyer is aware,So if you are
willing to accept this Fund and do exactly as I have instructed,
get back to me and I shall:
Give you the contacts of my Lawyer and also send to you the related
Documents to make the claims of the Fund with the help of my
I will also let you know about how much out of the Fund you will be compensated with
for your assistance.

I am waiting for your reply on this email:[email protected].

Mrs.Maria Wasilewska

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