Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by sophocles Wed Aug 29, 2007 2:56 pm
let me start by saying i wish i had seen this before. most people are not naive enough to fall for scams, but i got hit via ebay (like so many others). well i have what i think is a new scam for everyone. just made me chuckle when i accidently opened it so i thought i would pass it along. i say never again but sometimes it is funny stuff.


(FinancialAid Professionals)
Tower 190,Level 33 65
Old Broad Street, London
United Kingdom

Good Day

Welcome to Treshold Finance Company,interest rate at 3%.It gladdens our
hearts to bring to your notice that we offer all kinds of loan to any
part of the world.Being a licensed and registered company under the
finance ministry here in the United Kingdom we make available to
legitimate loan offers that are quick and affordable with interest rate
a mere 3%.

Our Packages include:*Home Loan *Auto Loan*Mortgage Loan*Business
Loan*International Loan*Personal Loan*And Much More.

Please if you are delighted and interested in our financial offer,Do
hesitate to contact us if in need of our service as you will be
to furnish us with the following details to commence with the process
your loan sum accordingly

First Name:___________________________
Last Name:____________________________
Marital status:_______________________
Contact Address:______________________
City/Zip code:________________________
Date of Birth:________________________
Amount Needed as Loan:________________
Loan Duration:________________________
Monthly Income/Yearly Income:_________
Purpose for Loan:_____________________

Thanks For Your Patronage!

'Your Business Is Our Blessing'

Mr Jamie Gaye ,
London Operations Manager,
Tower 190, Level 33 65,
Old Broad Street, London,
United Kingdom.
Email:[email protected]
Last edited by sophocles on Wed Aug 29, 2007 6:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

by Scam Patroller Wed Aug 29, 2007 4:17 pm
Hi, this is a typical loans scam, this particular version has been around for a little while, you can see it posted on some other sites in the Google cache:

http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q= ... arch&meta=

Basically, if you were to contact them asking for a loan, they would grant it to you, but there would be fees you would have to pay to set up the loan, then there might be another fee, or you will not hear from them again after paying the fees.

Nobody should ever apply for a loan from a company who has sent them an unsolicited email, you should only ever try to get a loan from an approved and recognised bank or finance company, if you are in a position where you can't get a bank loan etc, you are then in murky waters and at the mercy of scammers or loan sharks.

Please edit your first post and add the full email you received it from, along with the contact imformation from the bottom of the email that you have left off, thanks.

Remember, if it seems to good to be true, then it is.

http://www.419eater.com - http://www.aa419.org

by Pat Hamilton Wed Aug 29, 2007 5:11 pm
The spelling and grammar are also pure "Scammer Speak" which you get to recognise instantly after a while, eg "Treshold" when I assume they mean "Threshold", a simple error a genuine UK company would never make.

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