Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:56 pm
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Barclay's Bank,Botswana Barclay's House 6th Floor, Khama Crescent P.O. Box 500 Attention Please.. I got your contact email address through a personal search and decided to let you know about his packaged, financial transaction that will benefit us. I am Mr. Daniel Moroka from Botswana, Chairman Auditing Committee with Barclay?s Bank ?For more information about myself, you can visit the stated web site for your confirmation (http://www.barclays.com/africa/botswana ... mbers.html) On the course of the 2011 end of the year's report, I discovered that my branch in which I am the Chief Auditor had Fifty Five Million Five Hundred Thousand G B Pounds (55,500.000.00 GBP) of which no body/staff or director is aware of and will never be aware of, I have also PLACED this fund on ESCROW CALL ACCOUNT bank in our head office without a beneficiary. As the Chief Auditor, I cannot be directly connected to this money thus I am compelled to request for your assistance to receive this money! into your bank account. I will compensate you with 25% as gratification while 75% will be for myself and one of my colleague involved. Please if you accept my offer, kindly contact me as soon as possible for more details. In course of this transaction, there are practically no risk involve because it will be a bank-to-bank transfer. Right now I am in Accra-Ghana for a month auditing with our affiliate bank here in Ghana. Here is the number to contact me at any given time of your choice. 00 233 543 760 331.I will appreciate your timely response. With Regards, Mr. Daniel Moroka. NOTE: Please if however, you are not disposed to assist, kindly delete this email in view of the confidentiality and let me know as soon as possible to enable me look for capable one

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