Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Ralph Wed Oct 14, 2009 3:43 am
The following email was apparently sent by the Reserve Bank of New York and not by just anybody either, It came from "Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman Federal Reserve Bank New York"

You will notice the email is not attentioned to anybody and nor do they actually know anything besides the email address of who they are sending the email to, these email get sent out un bulk hoping that just one of the recipients will reply to them and get drawn into this scam.

The email version will come complete with colourful font, logos and pictures in order to look more authentic but regardless of how glossy they make this look, the outcome will be the same.

The person who sent you this email is NOT the chairman of any bank, he is a scammer
The Chairman of the Reserve Bank has much better English skills and will not be contacting strangers
The money dangled in front of you does not exist
Real bank employees will not contact you on free email addresses and certainly not yahoo.nz when they claim to be in New York
Many many fees will be requested from you, in fact, the fees will not stop while you continue paying them
More and more hurdles will be used as excuses that keep them from sending the money
The only money changing hands here will be your money lining this scammer's pockets
You will never ever receive a single cent in return if you continue in this scam

By doing a search on the opening line I have found hundreds of other examples of scams that are identical or similiar Click Here

Please delete and ignore

From: Mr.Ben Bernanke <[email protected]>
Sent: (recently)
Subject: Chairman Federal Reserve Bank New York,




We received the instructional letter to credit $10.5million to your account

We wish to let you know that all Difficult has be removed for the success of this contract fund to be credited into your account.

Your respond is required to enable us credit your account without any further delay and you are also required to get back to us with the reconfirmation of your banking particulars for we to know if what we have in file is correct and to avoid crediting your fund to wrong account.


Please be fast on this matter.

Thanks and God bless you.

Ben S. Bernanke

Chairman Federal Reserve Bank New York,

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