by vonpaso xlura
Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:10 pm
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Subject: Can I present you before my bank as BENEFICIARY of $18.2M ( View
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Since the present new South Africa. The SOUTH AFRICAN RESERVE BANK ( SARB) which over rides all
banking system has cut across THE MONETARY POLICY COMMITTEE (MPC) and most banking system.
And major policy has been established since the beginning of this year by (SARB) On January 1st 2012 as
it first annual physical policy. Decisions to cut the policy/ financial institutions to be able to meet up with
the world standard banking system were carried out.This was the first Consecutive cut starting from
January 1st 2012 which affects all banking Sphere. The declining rate of the Rands to foreign exchanges
was a major issue. The Rand initially ignored the interest rate but then Weakened to 8.20 per Dollar
from the beginning of this year.SARB attributed this to many factors that led to the January 2011 rate
cut, such as Subdued inflation and global Ressession, Millions held with various Bank which are not
accountable to taxes,causing CPIX INFLATION which have move below normal rate
In view of all these limitations the SA Government therefore come up with the 2012 policy for all major
bank to summit all dormant Account for a certain period which have not been accountable to taxes to
the SOUTH AFRICA RESERVE BANK,as an unclaimed funds if no one/relative makes a claim, or forfeited
to the government treasury account as unclaim funds. Some years ago my client died with his entire
family leaving behind such an account worth US$18.2M Dollars in my Bank where I work and no one has
come forwardfor the claim. I contacted you because your name and email contact was among the
findings that matches the same Surname during my quest to locate a relative,and would therefore love
to Reinvest the dormant money to you,since you have the same surname.All necessary document
needed to claim the Funds can be obtainable from all the various Governmental department if
interested to help me. Please respond with the following to enable us to proceed in this matter to mark
a begining of a mutual business relationship with you 1 Your Full completed names, 2 Telephone & fax
number,3 occupation,4 address and age.
Mr.Jordan Molamu
... ni los estafadores heredarĂ¡n el reino de Dios. 1 Cor. 6:10