Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Terminator5 Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:43 pm
Source IP Address . Mobitel Nigeria Limited . Lagos, Nigeria

Begin Scam Email:

U.S. Department of Justice

Suite 11050, 1425 New York Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20530-0001

Office of the Attorney General Public Comment Line - 202-353-1555



The U.S Department of Justice hereby informs you to avoid scam activities going on this days we have a note right in front of us that you are having a lot of communications with some fraudsters all in the name of the fund transfer. Please this email is to caution you to ignore any email or telephone which you’re getting from mostly African country like Ghana, Nigeria , Ivory Coast , Benin Republic, or any other country in Africa because your fund is no longer there, your fund is now here in the state with Pennsylvania Bank.

You are asked to stop all contact you have been in so far with any of those so called spammers or else your case file will be stamped as money laundry. You are advice to contact us back with all that has been given to you by those spammers to hasten us our investigation on who is behind all this and who have been dealing with you to rip-off your hard earn income. You are to cooperate with us to get those fraudsters red handed or we will inform the local police in your area to get you arrested.

We write you to know more details first because that is the easiest way to meet our good citizens, so you are to provide us all necessary details and we will inform you the bank to contact because it is our duty to protect our entire citizen and keep them away from any harm or whatsoever damage they’re into.

Best Regards

Secretary to Attorney general.

Signed: Attorney General Mascott Bradley

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Daniel 8 :25

by Terminator5 Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:18 am

From: Department Justice [email protected]

17187341529 7187341529

718 734 1529

Begin Scam Email 2


Suite 11050, 1425 New York Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
Office of the Attorney General Public Comment Line - 202-353-1555


We received your response and we have already madearrangement for the investigation regards to those emails which I asked you to forwardand we assured you that we will get them so just send to us the email andtelephone contacts of those you sent the money to, however we have made anarrangement with TD Bank of New York and their Pennsylvania branch to handle yourtransaction with the help of our government so that those hoodlums will notdeceive you again.

Therefore the bank will contact you today as we have giventhem instruction to commence your transfer. Once they contact you they will letyou know the details because there is a certificate that will require from you.Alternatively you can contact them immediately you receive this email for theprocedures if you didn’t hear from them today.

Contact information and person:

John Lynn

TD Bank

211 Montague Street

Brooklyn, NY 11201USA

[email protected]

Tel: (718) 734-1529

Once you hear from the bank update us so that we will be ontrack to make sure you confirm your fund into your account.

End Scam Email 2

Daniel 8 :25
by Terminator5 Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:04 pm
Source IP Address . Visafone Communications Limited . Lagos . Nigeria .

From: TD SECURITY BANK [email protected]

Begin Scam Email 3

211 Montague Street

Brooklyn, NY11201USA

Attn: Francisco,

This is to notify you that you are among the listed names forwarded to this bank by the United Nations Organization in conjunction with USA homeland security Department of Justice and other security agencies with Notification Code: UNO/1102/US-08ZZ/12. This is as regards to the outcome of the meeting held in United Nation Head Quarter in conjunction with the United States Government, Nigeria, the World Bank Group and all the relevant Investigation Agencies of the government involved like FBI, CIA, EFCC etc, delegates for the release of your entitlement of US$10million was fully endorsed in your favour accordingly.

As a matter of fact, I have been mandated as the remittance department Director of TD Bank NY to handle the release of your entitlement fund payment from the reserve escrow account of United Nation Organization with us to your nominated Bank account upon the receipt of your information for verification and legalization for the fund release. I urge you to desist from and stop further communication with any office other than this assigned bank herein as the security agencies closely monitor this development. You are to quote the above Enquiry Notification Code to this bank in all your correspondence for immediate release of your fund.

We have been given
ultimatum to get this fund transfer to your account upon receiving your communication in the regards that we will receive clearance from the clearance department. Please do reconfirm to us your personal information. Note that as soon as we confirm the receipt of this information, your fund release will be processed and the release of the fund will be done and transfer to your nominated Bank account as you will provide within 72 hours.

You are to make sure you comply with these instructions and receive your fund as soon as possible. Your urgent response is highly needed to avoid any delay for the fund release.


Mr. John Lynn

Director, Remittance Department


Tel: (718) 734-1529

End Scam Email 3

Daniel 8 :25
by Terminator5 Tue May 01, 2012 7:48 pm
Additional solicitation from:


Daniel 8 :25

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