Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Thu May 03, 2012 5:40 pm
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I am MR. PAUL PRECIOUS one of The fund manager of The Mercantile Investment Trust plc.a group of JP Morgan INVESTMENT INTERNATIONAL.

I handle all Investors within my management portfolio Direct Capital Funds (there investment funds).

As a routine every investor gets the percentage profit or dividend from the total cash he or she invested into the company annually.
Last year it was announced that the profit margin was 13.9% after calculating carefully I found out that the profit margin was 15.1%
that is an excess of 1.2% on each investor so I secretly extracted 1.2% Excess Maximum Return Capital Profit (EMRCP) per annum on each of
the Investor's Marginal Capital Fund and created a separate account where the total sum of the extraction was kept As an expert,
the account has a valued for 27,600,000.00.pounds (twenty seven million, six hundred thousand Pounds)

Now, I am looking for someone who I can trust to stand as an Investor to receive the fund as Annual Investment Proceeds from The Mercantile Investment Trust plc.

All legal documents to back up the claims will be made available to you prior to your acceptance.

Meanwhile, I have worked out the modalities and technicalities whereby the funds can be claimed in any of our 6 Clearing Houses without any hitches.

Our sharing ratio will be 50-50. If you are interested, you should send your direct phone number so we could discuss more on phone as
regard the transaction.

Yoiurs Sincerely,


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