Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Sat May 05, 2012 1:15 am
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Dear Friend,

Permit the manner with which I am seeking your assistance but I am Short of options and have no other choice. I am John England from the hospitality state (Mississippi), an army contractor attached to the U.S Military forces in Syria for peacekeeping.The reason why I am explaining myself to you is to seek for your assistance to enable us send these two trunk boxes out from here that contain ($36.5million Dollars) which we found.

This was quite an illegal thing to do, but I tell you what? No compensation can make up for the risk we have taken with our lives in this hell hole. Of which some of our soldiers was Kidnapped by rebel forces.

Am now in desperate need of a Reliable and Trustworthy person like you who would receive, secure and protect these boxes containing the US Dollars up until our assignment elapses here. We cannot afford to leave the boxes here in Syria or present them to their government for any reason due to the unrest situation here.

We have no idea what could happen next as everything remains inconclusive at the moment. I am fully aware of what your thoughts would be next which is why I intend to include my picture as well as my I.D for you to know whom you are dealing with.

Can I trust you not to expose us? Can you handle these money on my behalf pending my physical arrival to country? Please signify your interest by sending your reply to my ([email protected]) with your full name, your direct mobile number, and your present or physical residential address.

I assure and promise to give you 10% of this fund, however feel free to negotiate what you wish to have as your percentage in this deal. Please assure me of your keeping this topmost secret within you so that my job would not be jeopardized.

Thank you in anticipation for your response,please note that some of my e-mails may be delivered to your junk, spam or bulk folders so always endeavor to look into these folders for future correspondence.

At present i don`t receive or make calls for security reason(s) as it is being monitored. All our communication will be based on internet.

My Sincere Regards,
Capt John England Jr.
Army Contractor.

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