Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by AlanJones Mon May 07, 2012 2:36 am
F.B.I. Special Task Force DepartmentInvestigation and Recovery Unit
Accra, Ghana

Attention: Xxx

From the Director of the F.B.I. Special mission in Ghana, this is to inform you that we are monitoring all out going fund transfer in West Africa, over due contract payment and we have Special Task Force presently at Kotoka International Airport, Accra-Ghana, on recovery of missing consignment and smuggled luggage. I am writing this letter in order to inform you of the incident that took place 4 days ago, few top officers of the Ghana Customs Service on patrol caught three smugglers connected to several trunk boxes also known as consignment bearing your name and other beneficiaries as well, attached on the Consignment as sealed; they were trying to smuggle the trunk boxes out of the country through the Kotoka International Air Port cargo delivery section to another country with a different address, but the officers are well trained with the help of our young agent on duty they were caught and locked in detention so we can reach you for clarification.

Right now the trunk boxes are in our security warehouse at the Kotoka International airport for further investigation. So far all necessary investigation is being carried out, we became aware according to one of the men who confessed the consignment boxes did not belong to them, we were informed that the consignment boxes were abandoned at the airport warehouse for a long time and since no one came forth for claiming that was when they conspired to smuggle the consignments out to a neighboring country with support from some top government officers.

After all vital investigation we became aware that the consignment truly belongs to you since your personal information (name) is boldly written on them as the rightful owner, but the only problem was the change of address on the delivery form acquired from the ministry of transport.

The boxes are 5 in numbers – computerized security lock, fire and water proof sealed. No one will be able to open the boxes on individual beneficiary’s absence. The safe must be opened with a Series of code numbers, which will be given after consignment confirmation.

Do reconfirm the address information we have on the consignment boxes to be yours.

Name: Xxx
Address: Xxx
Tel: Xxx
Email: Xxx

After the computerized scanning at the airport, the official report indicates that 3 of the consignment contains US dollar bills worth $7.6 Million USD each, official papers certified that this is a contract payment from the government of Ghana and Nigeria to you.

We have a standard operation procedure to convey delivery of such goods from Ghana to different countries. Note: I am suggesting this due to the general inspection coming up on the 23th May, 2012 regarding the regulation and rule of the Ghana Custom Service, which points to all abandoned goods/properties discovered in the custom security warehouse by the new law made by the Republic of Ghana; during the end of the month all goods/properties found during inspection will be confiscated, In order for your consignments not to be confiscated and turn over to the treasury of the Ghana government.

I am therefore contacting you as a loyal FBI agent who is interested to render my services to you, I was curious to know your opinion having known the content of the box through the report. So if you would like me to negotiate on your behalf with the delivery procedure, there are weekly schedules of departure from Ghana to Europe, Americas, Middle East, Oceania and Australia including Asian countries as well.

I will advice you to come down personally to Ghana and move the recovered trunk box out of our security warehouse by yourself before the general inspection date, in order to avoid your consignment from being confiscated by the constitutional law put into act by the Republic of Ghana. We have been mandated to implement the delivery of all foreign beneficiaries’ unclaimed consignments directly to their door-steps.

I request that you get back to me quickly for more information and clarifications.

FBI Special Task Force Department
Investigation and Recovery Unit
Kotoka International Airport
Accra, Ghana

Note we are handling such cases directly from our newly assigned base here in Accra, Ghana because of all out going consignment from West Africa, and your case is a special case that needs urgent attention.

Important Notice: This e-mail is confidential and may well also be legally and security privileged. If you have received it in error, you are on notice of its status. Please notify us immediately by reply e-mail and then delete this message from your system. Please do not copy it or use it for any purposes, or disclose its contents to any other person: to do so could be a breach of confidence. Thank you for your co-operation.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.

by AlanJones Mon May 14, 2012 10:31 am
A further email from the scammers - sent from john.borland.gh@gmail.com with a reply to of fbi.gov-agent@usa.com.

Special Task Force Department.
Investigation and Recovery Unit.
F.B.I Kotoka International Airport
Private Mail Bag
Accra, Ghana

Attention: Honorable Beneficiary /Ghana Chamber of Commerce and Beneficiary List Accra Ghana.,

Thank you for your response, our office have been busy with legal process of more recovered consignment, So many people misdirect Beneficiaries into the believe of one thing or the other , where by misleading you to pay money were you can’t ripe your own consignment and fund certificate, all i tried to warn you now was the so many people you are dealing with will never help you , because all they need is one certificate from you or the other and when they get hold of such they make away with Hugh funds under the preface of assisting there partner or client , lawyers top government workers, police and many wrong minded officials you must have been working with in the past ,there is so many people who want to get rich by any means and they are using any advantage of some other person to get it , this is very common in there Africa business, this group are bad name to any organization, One word my dear friend before you get misdirected, the consignment is under your name and certificate.

My contacting you concerning your consignment cut up by my men with some criminals claiming to be working with you at the kotoka International Airport Accra Ghana, they told my team they were on special delivery and the beneficiary is fully aware, but one big mistake we corrected very fast was a fake address placed on delivery and we had to get a correct one to know there was a false play ,we checked and some papers have alteration which means they have manipulation on the certificates and address that is why we stopped the departure and delivery cargo flight and right now the consignment is under special storage facility, with your correct documents from the ministry of interior here in Ghana showing your true ownership of the consignment, recovered.

If you want to gain your consignment among millions of people who have the full knowledge of what you have and worth as I am talking with you, then I advise you to keep this highly confidential with all the full information we re passing across, i need you to attached a scanned copy of your International passport , this is TOP INFORMATION.

I need you to make my work easier, because i have kept your consignment, checked and approved by the government, I hope you make good understanding of the delivery form i attached to you, because it is very vital and important ,Attached document on your file here at the Airport.

1, the address placed for delivery is a false one as we have investigated , your seal information is on the beneficiary list (Chamber of commerce) of current beneficiary fund owners , the recovered consignment here in Accra Ghana for onward delivery to a different address in USA instead of your original address that is why we are suspicious of the movement of the consignment, the two passports was noticed of persons with held and both are under government police custody for further investigation and contact of the real beneficiary.

2, we have your strong room certificate which guarantee the safety facility of your consignment and the delivery form which will amount to the change of address from this false Address: Charity Hackney 252 Mink Drive Roscommon, MI 48653 to your home in your country.

3, if you don't follow instructions on the delivery form fee which I attached for the change to your current address to help, you might end up losing your consignment, then you leave the Government of Ghana with no option than to confiscate the consignment as unclaimed fund, because I have already reported it as a stolen and recovered consignment, with a manipulated address on it, that means there is an error on it.

4, The culprit with accomplices are all under police investigation right now about the consignment, those people you’ve been working with are only using you, that is why they keep asking for more and more, be wise and don’t remain a fool, this is your time to get what is rightfully yours and I am here to help you if you are ready to work with my instruction and modalities while I am still here in Accra Ghana.

The only fund you need to secure for the delivery of your consignment as indicated is the $1,000USD to process a fresh delivery form and $1,000 usd for (UINTED NATION MOVEMENT CERTIFICATE ATTACHED WITH THE YELLOW TAG WHICH IS THE NON INSPECTION TAG), try and secure the money so I can do my part to make sure the delivery unit follow up the delivery till it gets to your home address specified that is my word for you.

As soon as the address is changed the standard operation delivery will commence, I will need the information attached to the forms immediately so I can follow up the process of changing the delivery address

The F.B.I have been monitoring your fund this far, to avoid confiscation all this month so we can conclude the delivery to you.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the principal investigative arm of the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). Title 28, United States Code (U.S. Code), Section 533, which authorizes the Attorney General to "appoint officials to detect.

crimes against the United States," and other federal statutes give the FBI the authority and responsibility to investigate specific crimes. At present, the FBI has investigative jurisdiction over violations of more than 200 categories of federal crimes in various African countries and thus has the broadest investigative authority of any federal law enforcement agency. The Ten Most Wanted List has been used since 1949 to notify the public of wanted fugitives.

The mission of the FBI is to uphold the law through the investigation of violations of federal criminal law; to protect the United States citizen from foreign intelligence and terrorist activities; to provide leadership and law enforcement assistance to federal, state, local, and international fund monitoring agencies; and to perform these responsibilities in a manner that is responsive to the needs of the public and is faithful to the United States Constitution.

Information obtained through an FBI investigation is presented to the appropriate U. S. Attorney or DOJ official here in Ghana, who decides if prosecution, or other action, is warranted. Top priority has been assigned to the five African countries that affect beneficiary society the most: counter terrorism, drugs/ organized crime, foreign counterintelligence, violent crimes, and white-collar crimes by top government officials.

The FBI has had a mixed history, both in upholding the law, and sometimes in breaking it. The force of Special Agents has grown over the years, and now exceeds 11,000 out of a total workforce of 17,000. Many of these Special Agents are stationed in foreign countries, and work in US Embassies as "Legal Attaches", or as they are know in the FBI: LEGATE. Both new and veteran agents are routinely trained at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia.

The Strategic Information and Operation Center is the FBI command center.

1 History of the FBI, The FBI originated from a force of Special Agents created on July 26, 1908 by Attorney General Charles Joseph Bonaparte during the Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt. At first it was named the Bureau of Investigation (BOI) and it did not become the FBI until 1935.

Under J. Edgar Hoover, who became director of the Bureau on May 10, 1924, the agency spent much of its energy on investigating political activists who were not accused of any crime (eg, Albert Einstein as a socialist). When Franklin Delano Roosevelt was president, Hoover had to be reminded that liberalism not only was not a crime, but was the politics of the incumbent president and his administration.

The FBI Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory (better known as the FBI Crime Lab ) officially opened on November 24, 1932 has another at the kotoka international Airport Ghana.

In the 1990s, it turned out that the FBI's crime lab had repeatedly done shoddy work. In some cases, the technicians, given evidence that actually cleared a suspect, reported instead that it proved the suspect guilty. Many cases had to be reopened when this pattern of errors was discovered.

All Citizen is our defense.

I request that you contact me directly for any clarification.

Special Task Force Department.
Investigation and Recovery Unit.
Kotoka International Airport
Private Mail Bag
Accra, Ghana

NOTE: If however, you Have received this email by error, kindly delete/destroy this email in view of the confidentiality of the proposed transaction and interest of personalities involved../.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.

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