Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by solitare Fri Oct 30, 2009 1:21 am
My friend, has two guys contacting her saying they are from the US Army have worked in Iraq and have found Australian $6.1m, they are both wanting to come to Australia and are now in South Africa trying to get the money out of there and into her account in Australia. She has given them her account number but is saying she does not have a lot of money in that account, I have tried to tell her she is being scammed but will not believe me, these guys are wanting to marry her both fighting over her and want to come to Australia as soon as the money goes through, they are telling her it is all above board, poems are being sent and she talks every day to them and now she is saying she is madly in love with one of them, one of their names are Collins and the other is Lawrence, does this sound a scam or does anyone know these names?

by Ralph Fri Oct 30, 2009 1:39 am
Hi Solitaire

This is definately a scam, absolutely no doubt.

Without furtehr information I cant give you any specific information.

Please forward as much information as you can by either posting or emailing me.

Please read this thread to know what to post and how to best help us to answer youClick Here

And Please take your friend through this thread to see how romance scams work Click Here

Once you give me something to go on I will start searching

Its a long shot, but the scammer featured in this thread is also named Collins Click Here
by Arnold Fri Oct 30, 2009 3:27 am
Scams involving large sums of money found by US military in Iraq are common. There's an example on this board here viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4016&p=15343&hilit=iraq#p15343.
Look on Google and you find even more.
Click here.
Having two scammers involved in a scam like this is a bit odd. It's possible that one scammer is playing two parts for some reason.

by Ralph Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:08 am

I have done loads of searches based on what you sent and what is posted in the thread here, I have found far too many hits to find one that will tell me anything useful.

Anything you can share will help, age, where they say they are from, anything, failing that, copy the information I have directed you to and read it to her, sit her down and show her the threads here that you have been directed to.

If you need to, perhaps one of our warners can make a call to her, in all likely hood, both Lawrence and Collins are the same person, they sometimes do that.

I really want to show you some proof but I cant do that without knowing some more.

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