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by Gateway Wed May 09, 2012 1:35 pm
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From: "Ms. Joanna Hammah Esq."<joanna_hammah2011@yahoo.com>
Subject: Attn: I Would Like You TO Stand AS The Next Of Kin To My Late Client
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The original copy of this email will be deliver to you by your local post office in your country. Do accept my apologies if my mail does not meet your personal ethics, I want to introduce myself and this business opportunity to you.

My name is Ms. Joanna Hammah Esq., a personal attorney to my late client. I wish to know if we can work together. I would like you to stand as the next of kin to my late client who has an account valued 11.7million United States dollars, with a financial institute here in Ghana

He died without any registered next of kin and as such the funds now have an open beneficiary mandate. The board of directors of his Bank adopted a resolution and I was mandated to provide his next of kin for the payment of this money or forfeit the money to the Bank as an abandoned property.

Fortunately, it will be very easy for me to make you become his official next of kin because I am his personal properties and investments lawyer. If you are interested, do let me know so that I can give you a comprehensive details on what we are to do.

I urgently hope to get your response as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,
Ms. Joanna Hammah Esq.

If you wish you can email me at

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